What the hell? No entries in months and then TWO journal entries in as many days?! Astonishing, I know, but I was actually going to post this video along with the last one but I said in chat (IN ALL CAPITOL LETTERS) that I was going to post a blog that was nothing but Hitler. So I couldn't post this astonishing video. One of the raddest meme responses ever, if you ask me.

I can relate to your awesome cat-finding story; it sounds pretty similar to when I found Jack-Jack.
It doesn't explain it in that blog there, but
I walk back into the seedy motel room with the biggest smile on my face and Jack (who was working with me that night) looks confused until I open my jacket and he hears "meow! meow! meow! meow!" and he just laughs...
"Have fun getting Brandon to let you bring home another cat!"
And I waited and waited and waited to tell Brandon. Then we got home and I showed him and he says "Well, that explains why you were in such a good mood tonight."I love finding kittehs...
I love you.
You sexy man, you...