Aibyo (10:45:56 PM): so what are you doing?
beppo (10:51:18 PM): putting the coolant line on the hot side of the spa arm mold
beppo (10:51:44 PM): cause i broke it last night when i didn't take off the clamp that holds the mold halves together while you change it over
beppo (10:52:20 PM): this lil girl looks tired
beppo (10:52:33 PM): i'm expecting that she'll probably fall asleep on the drive to walgreens
beppo (10:52:50 PM): and it'll take an hour n a half er so to get from here to there and home
Aibyo (10:53:00 PM): yeah so
beppo (10:53:02 PM): which will probably be enough time for her body to rest a bit so she'll probably wake up when we get home
Aibyo (10:53:10 PM): okay
Aibyo (10:53:18 PM): i have to go get cat food
beppo (10:53:36 PM): we'll see if i can bring her up the stairs to the apartment without waking her up
beppo (10:53:41 PM): ok i'll get it at walgreens
beppo (10:53:45 PM): any specific type?
beppo (10:53:54 PM): eh, i'll call you from there i spose
Aibyo (10:53:59 PM): um its the kind I was getting
beppo (10:54:00 PM): then i can say what all is there
Aibyo (10:54:26 PM): its whiskas or something, with milk
Aibyo (10:54:28 PM): well
Aibyo (10:54:36 PM): I need cigarettes
beppo (10:54:57 PM): ok
beppo (10:55:14 PM): should i get marlboro medium 100s?
Aibyo (10:55:31 PM): I don't want 100s
beppo (10:55:34 PM): ok
beppo (10:55:46 PM): just the mediums?
Aibyo (10:55:49 PM): yeah
beppo (10:55:51 PM): ok
beppo (10:56:11 PM): if i don't see what you've asked for I'll call you from there
Aibyo (10:56:21 PM): okay
beppo (10:56:32 PM): oh wait, i should feed nicki
Aibyo (10:56:37 PM): okay
Aibyo (10:56:43 PM): well
Aibyo (10:56:46 PM): shit
Aibyo (10:56:48 PM): ugh
beppo (10:57:11 PM): what?
Aibyo (10:57:23 PM): I just realised it was 11pm
beppo (10:59:45 PM): yea
beppo (11:00:00 PM): the options for cat food are limited and walgreens is one of the few of them, which i'll be at
beppo (11:00:04 PM): so that's surely best
Aibyo (11:00:10 PM): well
Aibyo (11:00:15 PM): they probably will have it
Aibyo (11:00:18 PM): 7-11 has it
beppo (11:00:19 PM): and smokes selection there are acceptable too
Aibyo (11:00:26 PM): yeah
Aibyo (11:00:45 PM): I wanted to go get something to eat
Aibyo (11:00:52 PM): but I can't
beppo (11:01:11 PM): what do you want?
Aibyo (11:02:30 PM): um
Aibyo (11:03:03 PM): its going to take you a while to get here anyway
Aibyo (11:03:10 PM): like 3+ hours
Aibyo (11:03:11 PM): soo
Aibyo (11:03:23 PM): I'll just go when you come or something
beppo (11:04:00 PM): well i'm just going straight to walgreens and home so hopefully if they don't take long with your prescriptions, which should be ready now, then i'll be out in less than 10 minutes
Aibyo (11:04:15 PM): you got to feed her too
beppo (11:04:20 PM): oh, she didn't want it
Aibyo (11:04:22 PM): that takes you like 1 hour or longer
beppo (11:04:30 PM): she ate like an hour n a half ago max
Aibyo (11:04:48 PM): they said they would be ready at 11
beppo (11:04:55 PM): ok
beppo (11:05:12 PM): i can buy your food when i'm on the way back
beppo (11:05:18 PM): or do you just really want to leave?
beppo (11:05:59 PM): it just seemed kindo dangerous out there with all this rain so i figured since i was gonna be out anyway, might as well pick stuff up for you on my way home
Aibyo (11:06:07 PM): k
beppo (11:06:10 PM): which won't be more than an hour n a half plus the time in walgreens
beppo (11:06:21 PM): what did you want?
Aibyo (11:06:28 PM): chicken
beppo (11:06:29 PM): chicken stars?
Aibyo (11:06:33 PM): sure
beppo (11:06:34 PM): or to get it after i come back?
Aibyo (11:06:47 PM): which ever
beppo (11:06:53 PM): what sounds best?
Aibyo (11:07:18 PM): um
beppo (11:07:32 PM): chicken stars, chicken nuggets, fried chicken strips, grilled chicken strips, a chicken sandwich, or to make some chicken up there at home?
Aibyo (11:07:51 PM): that's what I am debating
Aibyo (11:08:02 PM): I am stillgoing to want more than what I get at carls jr
Aibyo (11:08:16 PM): I want a few stars I guess
beppo (11:08:29 PM): the 9 pack wont be enough?
Aibyo (11:08:33 PM): oh yeah
beppo (11:08:47 PM): want a chicken sandwich then?
beppo (11:14:16 PM): b k.
beppo (11:14:23 PM): your daughter wanted to tell you that
beppo (11:14:28 PM): she thought it was important
beppo (11:14:43 PM): she was making noises until i put her up to the keyboard, then she said that and then she was quiet
beppo (11:14:49 PM): so i guess it was pretty important
beppo (11:15:00 PM): now she's got that teething ring thingy so she's super happy
beppo (11:15:06 PM): she also did finish that bottle
beppo (11:15:22 PM): so she just ate 9oz in the past 2 er so hours
beppo (11:15:32 PM): and 7 earlier around 4 er whatever it was
beppo (11:15:44 PM): so she was grindin like crazy today
beppo (11:16:00 PM): but i think she might have been wanting to say "hey momma. we're gonna pass burger kings too"
Aibyo (11:16:01 PM): yep
Aibyo (11:16:07 PM): mhm
beppo (11:16:25 PM): she's barely 6 months old though so that's all she's able to type
beppo (11:16:32 PM): so we gotta kindo read it like 6m
Aibyo (11:16:56 PM): mhm
Aibyo (11:16:58 PM): it was good
Aibyo (11:17:08 PM): so I am thinking
Aibyo (11:17:14 PM): I want the bbq sauce
Aibyo (11:17:24 PM): I am growing to like those stupid chicken stars tho
Aibyo (11:17:29 PM): I like the bk ones too
Aibyo (11:17:49 PM): I was thinking of making some food here and having you bring some too just cause
Aibyo (11:17:52 PM): well poop
beppo (11:17:56 PM): burger king's bbq sauce?
Aibyo (11:17:59 PM): yeah
Aibyo (11:18:08 PM): I want chicken stars
beppo (11:18:11 PM): i can get an order of fries and get some bbqsauce with it
beppo (11:18:24 PM): or chicken crowns
Aibyo (11:18:28 PM): sure
beppo (11:18:28 PM): and some chicken stars too
Aibyo (11:18:32 PM): okay
beppo (11:18:38 PM): ok, what do you want?
Aibyo (11:19:11 PM): I want some chicken stars and um
Aibyo (11:19:13 PM): uh
Aibyo (11:19:36 PM): I guess that's it
beppo (11:20:13 PM): ok so you don't want me to get any chicken crowns from burger king?
Aibyo (11:20:21 PM): okay
Aibyo (11:20:24 PM): just get 4
Aibyo (11:20:27 PM): for $1
beppo (11:20:27 PM): ok
beppo (11:20:40 PM): i'll do that
beppo (11:20:45 PM): i'll be there in a bit, love