Here's a random screencap from 3:58am PST.
I went into chat around 1am er so (PST), just after it mellowed out a bit. Most everyone in America was just winding down, meaning they were all drunk. Especially Katerina, of course. Her audio was on, as always, and, as always, was jacked up as loud as it would go so it sounded atrocious, clipping like crazy. It actually sounded better than usual though. Khrome asked what she was like in person. sk8 said that he'd hung out with her "many MANY times", but never actually described what she's like. I said "she's exactly the same in person as she is on cam. Very loud, very drunk, slammin' beers, and dancing." I tried to conceive of a place where she wasn't like that but couldn't. I mean she's `bout the same in the shower, on the toilet, in the backyard, at the bar, ummm, yea can't think of where else you'd see Kat. Pretty much just animate this first image with her dancing and wiggin out like mad, throwing up metal horns every 8 minutes and you have the hours and hours of Kat cam.
With a bunch of this too. Yes you see this in person a lot as well.
I found it particularly amusing to dance to this, which Kat played:
For posterity, the video is Bad Boy by Cascada. It's pretty much impossible to hear that song and not think of Maladjusted (who as of 6:45am EST hadn't yet gone into chat.) Upon hearing it, I flooded the room with "*BOUNCE* *BOUNCE* *BOUNCE*" and, as always, HerrCaesar complained. He also complained when I flooded the room with Os saying hi to NextTuesday. She told him to shush.
Vegas_ was in town visiting form Australia. Most everyone in California talked about how they wanted to hang out with him. Some said that they "HAVE! ABSOLUTELY HAVE!" to hang out. No one drove over, and continued chatting with him for over 2hrs (they could have been there in less than half an hour (except Kat who couldn't drive and would have to wait for the metrolink train to start running at 4:30am)) He was obliterated drunk dancing around in his underwear. He actually looks rather good in a thong. He didn't have a thong (I'll have to bring him one) but he was very often pulling his underwear up as a thong. I wish I'd gotten a screencap but was laughing at the time and didn't think about it. I didn't even notice him say goodnight (but he probably did). Before he left he was really drunk. This is a look of serious concentration here.
8mil was also quite drunk. She always looks lovely. She's also one of those people who are just always nice to everyone. That could be because she smokes so much pot though.
False randomly docked me. It could be because there was pretty much no one else who was virtually guarenteed to not be masturbating to dock. As always he was dressed ridiculous and you couldn't see his face. Just his teeth and the reflection of the monitor on his glasses.
JonnyEffinB was as drunk as he always is. He's funny and reminds me of how I used to be in chat. Here's a screencap that pretty much sums this guy up. Drunk, Irish, and blurry.
He went out n had a smoke and came back with a hat that was equally as Irish. Yes he's always this blurry. No his cam isn't out of focus as you can see by the ... um chalkboard thingy or whatever that is behind him. This is pretty much what he'd look like to you if you were as intoxicated as he is.
Doll (I'm not even going to make that a link to her profile cause she changes her name more than I do, except she fuckin' leaves it) typed a whoooollle lot of stuff. Usually "hahahahaha" in like 4 post increments when someone said something funny. It was in ghost font and impossible to read. Oh yea and she typed "<3" a lot any time she'd give a shout out to one of her peoples, which she'd do a lot. For those who she has blocked and can't view her cam, this is pretty much what you're missing except with facial expressions. I have yet to see her cam ever be anything other than that. The makeup might change, as might her clothing, but the overall view is always the same. Am I the only one who notices a massive resemblance to Antigone?
Liza spent most of the time taking care of her kids, with lil spouts of chatting here n there. She always keeps her mic on. She'll talk but I'll be god damned if I can make out a damn thing she says with her squeeky voice and thick british accent unless I'm paying very close attention. She's got a cute nose. I capped that second one a matter of seconds before she mysteriously disappeared.
Tooz was bein' all brutal like she has been the past couple days. So assertive and so UNF. She texted a lot while we watched her and examined her wallpaper. It was totally rad to be able to tell her to have fun at work. It's something that I've been doing for years, every day that I can, and still gives me a quick smile. I've gone into chat just to do that more than for any other thing.