Well, I crashed, but it wasn't just the metaphoric crash I referred to in my previous journal entry. Last night I was riding my bicycle to work and my bike light went dead and I didn't see one of them "No Parking" signs until it was at my front wheel. I hit it collar bone first going about 15mph and it didn't move much at all. The right side of my collarbone where it hit, however, moved a lot. It's fractured the whole way through and dislocated virtually every bone in my shoulder. This is one of the worst crashes I've ever had in my almost 30 years of riding and racing.
I walked my bike to work like a mile er so and called 911 to get an ambulance to take me to my hospital because I didn't have any money for a cab. After I was done seeing the doctor, a social worker came in to tell me that my work-provided insurance was canceled in Feb. I had no idea. I talked to Heidy today, though, and she said that there was only 5 people getting insurance through our provider and it was like $10k a month. To buy the same coverage on a per-person basis it's like $100 a month, so that makes lots of sense canceling it and had I known that I'd have said ages back to cancel it. Sure wish I'd have known in February though. She was saying that there's a way to transfer over to single person coverage and pay for the two months by yourself and it'll all be retro-active, so I'm gonna get on that.
In the mean time, while the funds I'd make working would be infinitely crucial, on the upside it looks like I'll be makin' plenty of use of the video downloads I've been downloading for the past 6 months but haven't had time to watch (I don't have cable here yet). I've got every Modern Marvels ever made and I'ma watch `em all.
I walked my bike to work like a mile er so and called 911 to get an ambulance to take me to my hospital because I didn't have any money for a cab. After I was done seeing the doctor, a social worker came in to tell me that my work-provided insurance was canceled in Feb. I had no idea. I talked to Heidy today, though, and she said that there was only 5 people getting insurance through our provider and it was like $10k a month. To buy the same coverage on a per-person basis it's like $100 a month, so that makes lots of sense canceling it and had I known that I'd have said ages back to cancel it. Sure wish I'd have known in February though. She was saying that there's a way to transfer over to single person coverage and pay for the two months by yourself and it'll all be retro-active, so I'm gonna get on that.
In the mean time, while the funds I'd make working would be infinitely crucial, on the upside it looks like I'll be makin' plenty of use of the video downloads I've been downloading for the past 6 months but haven't had time to watch (I don't have cable here yet). I've got every Modern Marvels ever made and I'ma watch `em all.

its going well thank you