Today was just awesome (so far, it's about half way over). Last night I went to sleep at around 5 er 6pm and today I woke up at 8am so I was all rested up after the two er three days I spent awake.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Man, comin' back from denver, I was all Navy SeAL style sleepin' only having three 2hr naps in about three days time. Which is cool, I mean I like doin crazy shit like that every so often.
Like when I was out of work just before I got the job here where I'm at now, I was contemplating getting a job in Lake Elsinore, about 20 miles south of my house, and I wanted to see what it'd be like to ride there, if I could do it in a worst case scenario. So I stayed up all night and in the morning I rode out there. This was when I didn't have a drivers license and was riding a bicycle. I remember that morning quite well. I remember doing a camshow for this girl Karri that lived in Perth Australia. Boy could I go off on a tangent about that escapade haha. This was like a year before I'd signed up for SG here.
Now, while Corona is fairly developed, and the whole way out to Elsinore is reasonably developed now, this was a few years back. It was mostly desert the whole way out there. There was like 3 miles of housing and then, "bam" desert the whole rest of the way. Which means that around half way there you get into desert-like climate. Meaning that at times it can be near freezing at night and 120 in the day.
It's not like that every day, in fact it's usually pretty stable. In fact it's kind of like saying that it can rain in Southern California. Doesn't do it every day, and in fact it's somewhat rare, but it's certainly a common occurrence. It was during that day. Well, it was 115 when I rode back. I left at 5am when it was around 40 er so. Just a smidgeon out of the 30s, so I had to dress pretty warm when leaving.
I stayed out there for as long as I could. Until around 2pm I think. By that time I started to get pretty exhausted. I don't do 'no sleep' very good at all. The next two hours were two of the most excruciating hours I ever had my whole life. Riding for around 2hrs with minimal water in 115deg (`bout 46c) heat for two hours with no break can be pretty intense. As long as you have lots of water you can ride in almost any temperature. But without water that's a whole different ballgame. Haha on the way home, a few minutes before i got there, I wasn't sure if I was going to make it. Like as in survive.
But when I got home and sat down for a bit and got myself together, after I'd taken a shower I was like "Dude. That was hard core. Let's do it again!" But I think the next day I got a call back from Dave here at my work asking if I could come in for a follow up interview so I never did. I did a bunch of things like it since then, but for some reason I remember that one the most.
Here's the end of what was spoilered incase you're a pussy and don't wanna read that rant.
Wow what a rant. Anyway, yea. Today is awesome. I woke up with plenty of sleep at an early time when I should to show up at work. It's been sunny as hell and 72 all day. I've been drinking water like I should so I'm feelin' great. Plus I haven't had any liquor at all in like two weeks so my body is feeling infinitely better. I got me some El Pollo Loco a lil bit ago and, oh boy do I love chicken.
Yesterday after I landed I came straight to work to talk to the boss and found out he's gonna be in Manila for the next three weeks.
SPOILERS! (Click to view) I was kindo worried that I've been taking so much time off work he might be upset. Especially after I take off to basically go see a girl. But Howards way cool. That, in fact, is exactly what he's doing right now. Well not just one girl, a bunch of them.
He's this super pervy, super old, super rich guy (who's single (and gee, I wonder who made him so rich

)). He shows up in Philippines and he's seen by all them 18 year old girls as a god. Needless to say, he quite likes it there and goes a lot.
Anyway, so my being gone really didn't mean much of jack shit and I coulda been gone for like a week longer and it wouldn't have made a difference (except for the fact that I'm broke as hell `cause I ain't been workin' haha).
I came back just about just in time so I shouldn't really go under much on my bank account. Doubtful that I'll go under at all, in fact. So finance wise I'm good to go too.
When I was driving out to get El Pollo Loco I realized, pretty much everything is perfect right now. All except for one minor detail. I wish Aibyo was here. A LOT.