I thought a week would be way more than enough time but the 3rd is creepin' up mighty god damn fast. I'll be flying out to Denver to hang out with a few of the happinin' folks out there at 7 in the god damn mornin on the 3rd. Of course my main reason for going there is to be able to meet Aibyo (she calls me skittles (hence my profile picture)) but I'm gonna be mad pissed if I don't get to grab some grub at least with leWhiteLines. I'm liable to cry. Seriously.
Two days there and then it's off to Wisconsin to see Daleyy for a few days. We'd been planing on hanging out for some time and now that she's not living at her parents place this'd be a great time to go hang out. That and she's about to balloon out to where she can't go anywhere real soon so if we actually wanted to do anything other than watch horror movies all day and night while she gets up to pee every 8 minutes i'd have to head out there fairly soon.
During my time there sanguine and Maladjusted are expeted to cruise by Greggster and NextTuesdays place so it'd be just madness were I not to head out for some festivities with those kids as well.
I haven't even told the guys at my work I'll be heading out for the week. I haven't even seen them since I made the final decision to head out and bought the ticket.
The only bummer is that I was sposed to go to Disneyland on Sunday with PerfectEquation and a few others (I'm sure PeaceOrchestra and probably DespairxFaction would be showing up as well and I was gonna do my best to bribe Kuromi to think about heading down (I really miss her)). I won't be getting back until Sunday night and it's unlikely I'd be able to make it to Disneyland in time. Well see though. It's also gonna suck having a whooooole week where I can't go hang out on cam with AnnaMarie. That's become one of my highlights as of late.
I shouldn't have any problems showing up to the Tuesday Drinks with d_day, noctem, FiendClub and the rest of the kids from SGIE. Thus far I've made it to every SGIE event we've had since I joined (well there was one er two that I missed the first week er two that I was in there, but all the regular stuff I've made it out to). That's one thing I always look forward to is the SGIE events cause they my kindso peoples.
Edit: Actually I'll be getting back on Saturday evning so It's possible I'll be able to show up to Disneyland after all!
Ah, I'm just jealous.