One more week of summer has gone by and I'm one more week closer to getting out of Borden and having accomplished something important. I missed the Gala due to an unforeseen confinement, I'm sure things went well without me. broke up with the GF last night due to a lack of emotion on my part. I don't blame her, most of the time I...
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Welcome back. smile
Two days until I head to florida for some R & R! Check out my boy's new band they're fucking great.[Two Crown King
Imma check em out smile Have fun in Flo-RIDA!!

Sorry these took so damn long. I apologize for the poor quality but hope they'll make a nice memory! smile
Fuck, after three weeks of training I can finally see the light, this up coming week is going to be intense but its all downhill after that. I'll be in orlando from the 1st of july until the 11th, does anyone know any good places to go out? I hope everyones summer is going well and I will update again soon
hmm cupcakes smile
the place i went to was in the old port- im not sure what it is called.... ill try and find it for you!!!
dude it's totally the opposite...i want nothing serious, not with him at least, but he's trying really hard...it'll soon be done with...
One of my girlfriends gave me some good advice last night "Girls liked to be screwed...not screwed over" I thought it was a great quote.
OMG!!! ive had those lavender cupcakes!!! YUMMMMM

hahah great quote!! smile
Ok, is it me or is it the month of the cupcake??! Recently I acquired some of the most delicious cupcakes I've ever eaten from one of my fav girls Vesta, then, recently at a bar I narrowly escape a fight due to a friend calling an angry juice pig cupcake (it might have been muffin, i can't remember) in front of his friends. Today,...
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It might be because cupcakes are the food of the gods...
And fucking amazing smile xx
I am totally down with down with webster. They rock, I've been listening to them nonstop the last couple of days. I'm also happy that school is almost over, although I'm going to probably be spending most of my summer in a trench wearing a relish coloured outfit... But thems the breaks for a fun good paying job I guess.
hahah your hilarious!!!

mmm did you say FREE coton candy!!!! wooohooo
I miss the A-Team, Murdoch was my favorite, actually they're all great, I want a van like theirs, it was bad ass.
Do you have it on DVD?
How are you? I'm out in BC now. I loved it so much, I just had to stay...
P.S. I love She-Ra. I know it's just a cartoon, but it's kinda from the same era, no?
Hmmm, should I start kick boxing again? My dental plan is non-existent and my 5 broken teeth are expensive to fix and not too hard to break. Can I afford to get my face punched in any more then it has? I mean, I'm not that pretty and it wont help. But I do love it (despite how bad I am at it), and jiu-jitsu...
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dental plan?? are you unaware of the 90% coverage you get via CF? haha you ARE a noob! and to lose weight just do crossfit with us in the morning at MPA!
Anyway, yes it's a full time position..i feel like fucking batman everytime i go to work....especially on night shifts...and toronto is my gotham city where 911 is my bat signal and i run lights and sirens to those in need...fucking batman! ARRR!!! biggrin ARRR!!!
Once again the Creepshow did not disappoint. The only issue was all the under agers getting stupid drunk. I felt so bad for the band when Sarah was trying to perform an obviously emotional song that was suppose to be heart felt, but was cheapened by a few drunk sluts who wouldn't get off the stage and insisted on trying to dance up on Sarah...
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Nothing really new in the life of this guy. Still busting my balls at school, and to top it all off my community placement is at a Church!! You'd think a guy with the number 666 in his school email wouldn't be a prime candidate for such a placement. It's pretty terrible for the most part, but a couple weeks ago we had a guest...
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Have you checked out SG Canada East lately? There's an event on tomorrow...can you make it?
Thanks for the love on my set by the way wink
Sweet, can't wait to start a new semester... My apathy towards school has ruined my chances of getting good grades, I just want to graduate and get on with things!!! Question: who has seen watchmen? and is it any good?
hahah did u really get that tattooed on ur junk?!?! i wanna seeeee wink
haha still havent gotten around to the deep fried mars bars- been sicky! frown

i want a hot tub in my room!!!
My body is killing me, along weekend at work and I'm feeling beat up. Two more exams to go then I'm done this fucking endless semester, goddamn I hate York university. I've been looking at new places online and i can't wait to get myself a new pad and out of this ugly shit hole. I hate being stuck in transitional periods. Vent is over,...
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