There is a dispute about whether pornography addiction exists. There is further argument as to whether or not it has harmful effects. Some sex therapists argue that it is a real addiction with serious consequences, while others argue it is not comparable to substance addiction and should not be classed as such.
The thought that I may be one of theses people who are apparently addicted to porn has always been in the back of my mind, since I was at High School my humour and behaviour often revolved around sexual themes and innuendo, enjoying many of the more adult-themed shows through the last couple of years of high school (I would have been fifteen) and often fantasising about sexual scenarios involving many of the girls in and below my year and in some cases even teachers.
I tend to watch a vast, vast amount of porn, I would estimate probably five-six hours a day! And now, of course, I have started to produce, edit and distribute pornography.
Lately I have started visiting strip clubs and lap dancing clubs and have in fact contemplated visiting a brothel or paying for an escort I do not know why, I can truly not answer that question. If I was to hazard an analysis I would suggest perhaps that everything is set-up and ready, all the work and effort required to date and settle down really is all done for you in an adult film or with the use of escorts/brothels. Fantasies are often better than reality and that is what each of the aforementioned products offer, a pre-built environment/scenario that you can participate in without finding the time to converse or met others.
Last weekend I dropped over 250 in a local strip club and am now financially crippled for this month as that cash really was required to settle debts and I also have three shoots lined up before my next pay day in January which will in turn generate more debts. The possibility to reschedule the shoots exists but I really dont like to date, especially if my shoddy budgeting gets in the way Its not very professional is it?
The proposed definition of Pornography addiction:
Aviel Goodman, M.D., proposed general characteristics of all types of addictions in 1990.[4] Pornography addiction is defined, by those who argue that it exists, as a psychological addiction to, or dependence upon, pornography, characterized by obsessive viewing, reading, and thinking about pornography and sexual themes to the detriment of other areas of ones own life.
I wouldnt necessarily say my viewing or production for that matter was detrimental to my own life; I hold a non-porn related Office job, am an active member of my family and am able to focus on other activities. I would say that perhaps my ability in securing long-term relationships/friendships are hindered, with both sexes.
Some days are worse than others in terms of porn consumption, and time spent depends on time spent elsewhere at work and such like. However my mind is constantly latched on to sex, Im always imagining sexual scenarios and adventures, even scenes that are too elaborate to ever make to a production stage, I will be sitting at my desk at work and out of the blue ill be watching my own dirty little fuck film in my head as if the back of my eye lids had large projector screens.
I can see and feel the danger of too much time turned to the sexual, but is it really as dangerous as I have been lead to believe or rather something that if I embraced it and let go of these worries, largely created by others, something that I could enjoy even more and perhaps be happier and content with the desires that I find myself having each and every day.
To be clear, though, I dont consider porn to be dangerous in the sense that it might turn me into some kind of sex maniac I do not buy in to all that shit, if your a sex maniac or predator you are before any kind of excessive porn exposure, I mean I feel its danger in a way that the ever-growing frequency of exposure, for me personally, could eat up my life and ultimately, honestly, be a waste of time that could be better spent doing something else, that is probably more productive.
Psychologists who see pornography as addictive may consider online, often Internet, pornography more addictive than ordinary pornography because of its wide availability, explicit nature, and the privacy that online viewing offers. Some claim that addicts regularly spend extended periods of time searching the internet for new or increasingly hardcore pornography.
I really dont have time for people who self-diagnose themselves with illnesses or diseases, even more so when a health professionals advice isnt even sought in fact I more likely to discount their claims as attention-seeking or worse lies!
My love of porn has taken me on quite a journey, most of which has been enjoyable to date and an awesome adventure, the totally awesome, strongest people in the World that I have met so far from performers to producers to crew to sex toy testers have really made my current confused state worth it and something I couldnt possibly regret.