i dedicate this entry to those of you who still check my journal, looking for an update. this is to all of those who take a moment out of their day to see if im still alive, and to drop me a line when i pour out my heart for the day. this entry is for you, without whom this journal would simply be a girl...
talking to herself.
i love being a girl... you know why? because i love beauty regimens. being a girl is eyeliner and thongs, pore strips and waxed legs and glitter polish on your finger nails. being a girl is lip gloss and being able to wear every color of the rainbow-- especially pink-- without getting flak from the other guys.
i love color, too. i didnt have much of my own to begin with, so ive been painting myself for awhile... eyeshadow is one of my hobbies. i collect every color i can find. i have this amazing day-glo green... its amazing how different you can look with an extra stroke of green...or pink... on your lids.
if you hadnt already guessed, i dont have much angst tonight. im too tired for angst.
its been too fucking hot. i think the heat is melting my brain. its been making it very difficult to emote. all i really want to to is drink lemonade and take a cat laden nap.
and i want to be in love.
thats not too much for a girl to ask, is it?
and i want to see my tegan.
that shouldnt be too much to ask, either.
talking to herself.
i love being a girl... you know why? because i love beauty regimens. being a girl is eyeliner and thongs, pore strips and waxed legs and glitter polish on your finger nails. being a girl is lip gloss and being able to wear every color of the rainbow-- especially pink-- without getting flak from the other guys.
i love color, too. i didnt have much of my own to begin with, so ive been painting myself for awhile... eyeshadow is one of my hobbies. i collect every color i can find. i have this amazing day-glo green... its amazing how different you can look with an extra stroke of green...or pink... on your lids.
if you hadnt already guessed, i dont have much angst tonight. im too tired for angst.
its been too fucking hot. i think the heat is melting my brain. its been making it very difficult to emote. all i really want to to is drink lemonade and take a cat laden nap.
and i want to be in love.
thats not too much for a girl to ask, is it?
and i want to see my tegan.
that shouldnt be too much to ask, either.
and dude if i could afford it i would have every cfolour tooO! In barry M stuff, the multicoloured pencils AND shadows!
Im glad its hot if it disables the angst.
Envious looks play across my face.
But I am tired from meds and caffeine withdrawl.
I will hide in the computer. Perhaps love is in there, or maybe I can hide from it there.