i cannot remember how i got so alone.
one by one, the days pass and blur together, the trainwreck that is my life mirroring my tragic surroundings...
and i am so fucking happy.
i have no clean clothes because id sooner dream than do my laundry; i have no clean dishes, but its fine; i dont tend to eat. thinner. my bruises are slimming. smile. this cant last forever.
i am the crazy cat lady, the spinster shapeless beneath a hundred layers of clothes, peeking through the blinds with slit eyes to ease my paranoia.
society is falling apart. the weather channel is wrong and everyone else is trying to sell me something. reality television? i cant remember the last time i was really voted off an island, or really offered ridiculous amounts of money to compete for the affection of a complete buffoon.
ive seem the same episode of elimidate four times, and i have the poolside argument memorized word for word.
"um, i guess i was kinda bummed that, you know, i got cut, but whatever because i looked better than them anyways."
strip off about seven layers of melanoma, and we'll talk, sweetheart.
people are so afraid to live that they have to rely on this bullshit to keep them amused. society is falling apart.
i have a pair of eyes that i get lost in.;.. my butterflies are back. its been a long time. pinch me to see if im dreaming, dose me to keep me well.
will you be my wife? ill cook and clean and keep you sated...
so long as you let me rest my head on your chest and finally dream good dreams.
i have something for you.
i found my internet again!
i love clean towels.
one by one, the days pass and blur together, the trainwreck that is my life mirroring my tragic surroundings...
and i am so fucking happy.
i have no clean clothes because id sooner dream than do my laundry; i have no clean dishes, but its fine; i dont tend to eat. thinner. my bruises are slimming. smile. this cant last forever.
i am the crazy cat lady, the spinster shapeless beneath a hundred layers of clothes, peeking through the blinds with slit eyes to ease my paranoia.
society is falling apart. the weather channel is wrong and everyone else is trying to sell me something. reality television? i cant remember the last time i was really voted off an island, or really offered ridiculous amounts of money to compete for the affection of a complete buffoon.
ive seem the same episode of elimidate four times, and i have the poolside argument memorized word for word.
"um, i guess i was kinda bummed that, you know, i got cut, but whatever because i looked better than them anyways."
strip off about seven layers of melanoma, and we'll talk, sweetheart.
people are so afraid to live that they have to rely on this bullshit to keep them amused. society is falling apart.
i have a pair of eyes that i get lost in.;.. my butterflies are back. its been a long time. pinch me to see if im dreaming, dose me to keep me well.
will you be my wife? ill cook and clean and keep you sated...
so long as you let me rest my head on your chest and finally dream good dreams.
i have something for you.

i found my internet again!
i love clean towels.
Be afraid of your misconceptions
Your preconceptions about what it is that you think I should be.
for it is they who form the weakest argument against me.
It it not to be right but to be certailn that counts.
x b
Be afraid of your misconceptions
Your preconceptions about what it is that you think I should be.
for it is they who form the weakest argument against me.
It it not to be right but to be certailn that counts.
x b