last night a girl at work made me cry; it pissed me off, because i should be above that bullshit. she told me i was rude, that none of the girls like me and its funny that i dont know that, and that i should buy some class. utilizing my *amazing* restraint, i refrained from telling her that i wasnt the fifty year old with hearing aids in each ear still stripping for lack of any other skills...
when you shop in walmart, sobbing at two in the morning, the looks you get are priceless.
i cant wait for this week to end.
when you shop in walmart, sobbing at two in the morning, the looks you get are priceless.
i cant wait for this week to end.

And to answer your question, my sleeve was done my Matt Cunnington atWestside Tattooin Brisbane Australia. He does some really incredible work, like this backpiece.