i am addicted to jamba juice, but i cannot find one.

those dippin' dots, or "ice cream of the future", are really freakin cold. try them. i dare you. you'll need about a gallon of water and a medic. but theyre daaaaaaaaamn good.

and this again, because not only is LITHIUM_PICNIC amazing, but so is this picture... and i feel the need to feel pretty.

lately ive been missing my skin. this is the first time in... well... ever... that ive second guessed my decision to decorate myself like i do. i've been catching a lot of flak from customers, and fielding a lot of shitty questions... i have to keep telling myself that no ones opinions matter but mine... but then i look at myself in the mirror and wonder if i wouldnt be prettier or better without them...
but i fucking love them. a dilemma.

ive just been down. i need the hot weather to subside into fall...
maybe its actually BECAUSE fall is coming. im so nostalgic... im thinking about people i havent talked to in ages... places that i havent gone back to but should... i miss being a kid and not knowing anything about anything... being fearless and innocent and wonderful...
not to say that i was wonderful. heh.
i went to a baby shower... such was my purpose in iowa. one of my good friends is filled to the brim with baby. i was sitting next to her, and i had these moments of terror where i would look at her ginormous belly and panic... because theres a person in there. that's scary alien type shit.
i never realize how much i miss her until i have to say goodbye again.

i think i'm going to go back to bed and cuddle my pillow. today marks day two in an eight day stretch with no days off...
i truly am out of my mind.

People are going to judge you regardless of how you appear on the inside or outside. The people that choose to cut you down are those who don't deserve your mindshare.
Each one of those tattoos tell a story in your life, wether they stay, get covered up, or get removed. It's just the same as how every event in your life makes a mark on your heart in some way. Sometimes second guessing isn't such a bad thing, it makes you explore yourself.
So mindwork through it and know that there are SO many people out there who think you are absolutely wonderful, and will never get the chance to really know you. Take care of you, Benni!