i woke up gay. it's not the first time, and i have this eeeeeerie suspicion that it won't be the last...
i like him cuz he's shifty eyed.
oh, and as long as i'm at it... god? hey, yeah, it's me. hi. could you find my remote control? i'm just too fucking lazy to keep standing up to hit buttons. thanks.

oh, and as long as i'm at it... god? hey, yeah, it's me. hi. could you find my remote control? i'm just too fucking lazy to keep standing up to hit buttons. thanks.

and you still owe me a soda
though, i still owe you a sammich, or half a sammich. but lets focus one thing at a time: the delicious soda you owe me.
i like rootbeer floats. if you like rootbeer floats you could substitute on of those for the soda
the remote.... errr..that journal bout things in your ass....