bwah! the head is noisy today and i just rolled out of bed... so much i thought of to say that came in and disappeared just as fast... sadness...
today is friday. the neglect continues; i havent had a good chunk of time to sit down and express my individual love for everyone in a long time. which makes me feel like an asshole, all hairy and puckered and such. i don't like that. im sorry. here's an ice cream!
i've been listening to radiohead's ok computer on repeat for three days. it makes me sad... but i keep listening. i can't bring myself to turn it off.
my cold has progressed to just coughing up chunks of shit. lung does not taste good. at all.
last night at work i met this girl... she was fucking adorable. she came in with a few guy friends... she reminded me a lot of sg Quinne... so fucking cute. her name is Ricky and she told me to come visit her at work... i'm thinking about it...
last week a friend from high school called me out of the blue to invite me to his birthday bash. this guy is one of the most eccentric intelligent truly great people that i've ever met in my life. one of a small handful of people from high school who not only would i willingly see again, but i'm proud to say i know. two of my best memories of him are getting lost down town while he stalked nicollet doing his impression of a velociraptor and scaring small children, and dying his hair fire orange while he worked at gnc. he'd wear a suit and tie to work everyday... with this fiery mop. soooo good.
i'm excited to see him, but i'm not sure how i feel about the other people i suspect might be there...
i managed to wheedle my way out of my second shift tonight so i can go. it had better be worth it... *shakes fist*
last night i bought some cookies at the grocery store that i thought were soft; turns out they werent. motherfuckers selling me un-soft cookies... why i oughta...
i'm going to be late to work, but today i'm at peace with the idea. gotta get these bills sent out... and order me up some new stripper boots.
i hate shaving my legs in the shower. and coughing up shit. and burnt out lightbulbs, and pigs that can't fly, and vegetarians who claim animal liberation but don't seem to care about their designer leather purses, or the leather interior of their car. assholes.
it's getting closer and closer to me having to leave the house... and i am terrified.
today is friday. the neglect continues; i havent had a good chunk of time to sit down and express my individual love for everyone in a long time. which makes me feel like an asshole, all hairy and puckered and such. i don't like that. im sorry. here's an ice cream!
i've been listening to radiohead's ok computer on repeat for three days. it makes me sad... but i keep listening. i can't bring myself to turn it off.
my cold has progressed to just coughing up chunks of shit. lung does not taste good. at all.
last night at work i met this girl... she was fucking adorable. she came in with a few guy friends... she reminded me a lot of sg Quinne... so fucking cute. her name is Ricky and she told me to come visit her at work... i'm thinking about it...
last week a friend from high school called me out of the blue to invite me to his birthday bash. this guy is one of the most eccentric intelligent truly great people that i've ever met in my life. one of a small handful of people from high school who not only would i willingly see again, but i'm proud to say i know. two of my best memories of him are getting lost down town while he stalked nicollet doing his impression of a velociraptor and scaring small children, and dying his hair fire orange while he worked at gnc. he'd wear a suit and tie to work everyday... with this fiery mop. soooo good.
i'm excited to see him, but i'm not sure how i feel about the other people i suspect might be there...
i managed to wheedle my way out of my second shift tonight so i can go. it had better be worth it... *shakes fist*
last night i bought some cookies at the grocery store that i thought were soft; turns out they werent. motherfuckers selling me un-soft cookies... why i oughta...
i'm going to be late to work, but today i'm at peace with the idea. gotta get these bills sent out... and order me up some new stripper boots.
i hate shaving my legs in the shower. and coughing up shit. and burnt out lightbulbs, and pigs that can't fly, and vegetarians who claim animal liberation but don't seem to care about their designer leather purses, or the leather interior of their car. assholes.
it's getting closer and closer to me having to leave the house... and i am terrified.

Just a quick note since I don't know where you'll see/hear this first, but check your email "renewing your tabs" and do it now if you haven't already. Time is of the essence.
Wow, I guess Gunny was serious in that email of his. He's removed all 50+ of his friends. His last post is still active today.. but I get the feeling, not for long. Now I know how you feel about others' leaving... I'm gonna miss him. Time to mow the lawn if it doesn't rain. See ya!