Somewhere, not in my kitchen... a journal begins. What to say? I don't know much about much, but i have butterflies thinking about my set going live. I don't know when it's gonna happen, or what happens when it does, but here's hoping it's the start of something fantastic. And hey, if not i can always sell one of my kidneys on the black market. As long as it's not my favorite one, i won't miss him... right?
More Blogs
Tuesday Oct 12, 2004
it feels safe like im small again, sick and feverish with my mom brus… -
Monday Oct 11, 2004
"hey kitty..." "kitty?" "you move like a cat." "...and a sna… -
Saturday Oct 09, 2004
we didnt sleep too late... there was a fire in the yard. all of the… -
Friday Oct 08, 2004
some entries are just hard to follow. if i could sleep i would dre… -
Sunday Oct 03, 2004
and when she drifted into the room, tiny and built with tragedy and d… -
Thursday Sep 30, 2004
i dreamt about you last night... havent slept yet today. youve kille… -
Sunday Sep 26, 2004
the cursor is blinking. hes there. now hes not. now hes there. … -
Saturday Sep 25, 2004
this morning i drifted in and out of vague dreams i cannot place... a… -
Friday Sep 24, 2004
it's cold, but most of the storm is done... and so i wait. -
Saturday Sep 18, 2004
and so i wait...
*...very gratiously pees on this thread*...mmm...urine...
...let it be known hereforthwith that benni is the rockin'est chiquita in the whole fucking SG world!!!!
...that and she's a
[Edited on Apr 06, 2004 4:17PM]
Just to let you all know somewhere, I've known Benni "live" since she was 19 going on 20, which is about 1 1/2 years before she joined SG (and about 1 3/4 before I did)