Okay so I should really blog about the SGAU Ball before I completely forget to. tongue

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

Okay so this weekend just past I loaded my gear up and trekked out to the boonies to catch a flight from out remote state ( tongue ) of WA at 5:30am to Sydney. Apart from being 6 foot 4ish and crammed into a seat for a...
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hahaah i was thoroughly misinformed as to typical weather. at least i thought to pack a pair of short though tongue ill definitely do my best to return to the east next time we have a gathering smile or possibly just for the heck of it
Your blue hair is rad!! And I totes recognised you despite it. wink

How do you make your photos so colorful? Do you do much post-editing?

2 days ago i received a last minute booking for a fashion parade out in the sticks. It was good money so typically i was in tongue

Yesterday i rolled out of bed at 6am after barely sleeping showered and loaded up for the trip out. The fashion parade took place at the Dowerin Field Day Festival, its basically a country version of...
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So the past few days have been a bit of a blur.

Saturday i spent all day running from shoot to shoot. Got up at 8am for a 3 hour generic model shoot (girl just wanted some headshots and stock poses for her portfolio), raced back home at 11am to upload images, stuff down some lunch, switch batteries and head back out. Second shoot was...
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hectic weekend then. i was up until 2.30am sunday working on two assignments, then had to wake at 7.30 to head into Perth to be on a film set until 10.30pm. so i too had a busy one... not as busy as you though
Ok. So its been ages since my last post.

My life lately.

My best friend has moved up north to teach in remote communities for 6 months so im a seriously sad and lonley panda at the moment. Miss that bugger so much. Strangely realised the other day that its because hes probably the only friend who i absolutely trust.

I have blue hair still....
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cheers dude biggrin
So this morning I woke up at like 6am (about 8 hours earlier than normal since im nocturnal mostly) on about 4 hours sleep. For some reason this put me ina fantastic mood and even though i was simply wandering around the house most ofthe day cleaning and washing I was still in a great mood, singing and laughing like madman. Probably one of the...
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Needs adding to the "fuck you" thread.


Thanks, you're a sweetheart! smile
So it was my birthday yesterday (happy birthday to me tongue ) not quite sure how i feel now that im 24.

Feels quite strange in that i really dont feel any different at all. I got mostly money from everyone which is awesome as now i can afford to finally buy a laptop and a new camera lens. As well as some new clothes, which...
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<3 thank you!! Glad you like it!
I swear that the older i get the less i feel like i have my shit together.
Right now my shit is so all over the place i couldnt find it all, even if i had a week of spare time and a metal detector.

Job front is going strange, applied for quite a few new jobs, and even had one of the places i...
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Today i also got around to reorganising my library of novels. I discovered i own all but one of Raymond E Feist's Novels, most of the collected works of Robin Hobb, Way too many Discworld novels and just an excess of fantasy and scifi overall tongue

Now I am enjoying basking in the success of an organised room and having all my trilogies,quartets,series etc in order...
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