Before reading please note that this post contains EPIC spoilers for Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age: 2 and minor spoilers for Dragon Age: Inquisition. However im not going to -spoiler- my own blog for any other reason than to avoid lots of text, if you dont know whats gone on in dragon age 1 + 2 then you either dont care or you do in which case tough as the games have been out for approaching something like 6 years now.
This is mainly for myself to finally put some of my conspiracies in order.
My DAO (Dragon Age: Origins) Character was a female elf (rogue class) from the city of Denerim, joined the Wardens after brutally murdering the Arl's son and his friends for interrupting her wedding, kidnapping and raping herself and her cousin as well as a few other female elves.
Overall she was a very kind soul, going far out of her way to help just about everyone and keep as many people alive as possible. Not much of one for the Chantry or any real faction outside the Wardens she none the less took an open mind.
Throughout the course of the adventure she managed to gain the respect and trust of all her companions and even managed to keep them all alive.
She maintained a flirt relationship with Lelianna, while keeping Zeveran at arms length and professional. Wynne became something of a mentor and guiding hand while in Morrigan she found a friend in need of comfort and support. Sten was a watchful eye over the group, struggling with his own demons and understanding of Fereldan. Oghren spent most of his time drinking in camp. Shale maintained a watchful eye for birds.
My character successfully romanced Allistair and placed him on the throne after marrying him to Anora, however with Anora's understanding and acceptance she and Allistair maintained their relationship.
Convinced Allistair to participate in a dark ritual with Morrigan to spare themselves from death whilst battling the Arch-Demon.
Dragon Age 2:
Male Hawk - Mage Class (bit harder to describe so will just bullet point)
- Fairly considerate for a mage: siding with mages mostly but understanding of other people fears.
- Main companions: Merrill, Varric and Isabella
- During the Deep Roads saved Carver's (brother) life by finding the Wardens and convincing them to recruit him
- Fought the Arishok for Isabella and won
- Sided with the Mages during the rebellion sparing Anders, forcing him to protect those he endangered.
- Slept with Isabella, Kissed Tallis, Romanced and moved in with Merrill.
Im probably not going to mention anything that isnt already available via gameinformer or PAX but read on at own risk!
I think we are going to see quite a few old faces going by the fact that both Anders and Leliana survive being killed in previous Dragon Age games/expansions.
This is also back up by the fact that Dragon Age, despite being hugely customizable regarding plot lines, still follows a stylised canon story.
Varric, Cassandra, and Vivienne are confirmed party members while Morrigan returns in a NPC but highly important capacity. Lelianna and Knight-Captain Cullen are hinted at return (however cullen is hinted as a templar captain so this could very well be Thrask or even possibly Allistair)
Who i think we will see again in the story;
-Allitair either as King or Warden as Ferelden is still recovering from the blight
- Isabella (shes one of the few NPCs from DAO to graduate to full party member and travels frequently so i wouldnt be surprised if she make an appearance)
- Anders (if you dont kill him) as some sort of Mage general (maybe possibly finally controlling Justice)
- Merrill
- Bodahn Feddic (merchant and Entrepenuer)
- Sandal and Flemeth (I mention these together as the Witch ALWAYS shows up somehow and there is continued reference to some connection between the two since Sandal tends to appear at the strangest moments in the plot, covered in blood, having killed an enourmous number of darkspawn. He also makes mention of a scarey lady who watches him when he is alone at night and has a scarey laugh)
- Zeveran
- Sten as the Qunari are going to heavily involved this time from all indications.
- Tallis
And thats my thoughts so far!