So my first post of 2013. So weird writing that. I honestly thought the world was going to end. Not sure why I just had one of those feelings. Good thing i still planned as if it wouldnt
2012 was a big year for me. It was when my photography first began to go somewhere and i got my foot in the door. Its been a year of learning and lessons as well. I've learnt that I have very low boundaries in social situations when drunk, and that for the first time I've had a good look at my mortality and the sort of person I could become if I don't get a handle on my drinking.
2013 is for me a year of hopefully learning more about myself. Learning more control and self respect. Quitting drinking is a huge step for me. Ask anyone who knows or knew me and they will agree. I've had more than one person laugh in my face when they heard Im quitting drinking. Which just re-enforces exactly why I'm quiting.
Im also hoping to learn how to be a quieter but stronger friend. I love my friends and am there for them as much as possible but i think sometime my loud personality and extreme behaviour pushes them away sometimes when i most want to be close to them. Im also becoming slightly afraid of the extreme lows are such fantastic nights out. What im really craving this year is some quiet success in life. Nothing extreme just medium contentment.

2012 was a big year for me. It was when my photography first began to go somewhere and i got my foot in the door. Its been a year of learning and lessons as well. I've learnt that I have very low boundaries in social situations when drunk, and that for the first time I've had a good look at my mortality and the sort of person I could become if I don't get a handle on my drinking.
2013 is for me a year of hopefully learning more about myself. Learning more control and self respect. Quitting drinking is a huge step for me. Ask anyone who knows or knew me and they will agree. I've had more than one person laugh in my face when they heard Im quitting drinking. Which just re-enforces exactly why I'm quiting.
Im also hoping to learn how to be a quieter but stronger friend. I love my friends and am there for them as much as possible but i think sometime my loud personality and extreme behaviour pushes them away sometimes when i most want to be close to them. Im also becoming slightly afraid of the extreme lows are such fantastic nights out. What im really craving this year is some quiet success in life. Nothing extreme just medium contentment.