Well, I rejoined this lovely site, older and (hopefully) a little wiser. Not a lot to tell really, just moved into my dorm at VCU a week ago. I really want to change that picture, but I don't have a picture of me under 100kb, so until I figure that one out, I guess I just have to deal. whatever
hey richmond person!
ooo...jalapeno poppers r quite nice
I just got my lip pierced. I love it. This thanksgiving is going to be quite interesting. Speaking of which, am I the last person who remembers Thanksgiving? I was in the mall yesterday and they've already got every last fucking spot plastered with some sort of christmas decoration. puke
As far as I'm concerned, No one won this election yet. I was pretty depressed all day, then I watched the Daily Show. I'm concvinced Jon Stewart is the last sane person in the news media.
Hey everyone. Not much to do today. My mother's birthday was today, so I called her and talked to her for a while. She ate at a steak house. I'm trying to decide between getting my lip pierced and getting my tougne pierced. Decisions, decisions... confused