Ok, I wanted to write a new journal entry, but I couldn't work anything from the past week into a suitable paragraph, so instead, everything that was under consideration.
-To the young man who kept attempting to make out with me Saturday: I am stoned, eating animal crackers. You take a back seat to food, sir. Besides, I made out with you three times Friday when we were doing shots. And I told you I don't like having my ears being licked.
-The olympics are finally over, which means Law and Order :SVU is back on.
-Downloading a new messenger to talk to one person who's never online anyway does nothing but make a slow computer even worse
-My mother needs to take my grandmother's car keys away. Her driving was poor three years ago, now it's dangerous.
-I need to get out more often.
-I hate my profile picture, too, but I don't have anything else that will fit. When and if I learn how to post pictures in these journal entries, I'll get something better up...but it'll still be a picture of me, so how much of an improvement that is is your call.
-To the young man who kept attempting to make out with me Saturday: I am stoned, eating animal crackers. You take a back seat to food, sir. Besides, I made out with you three times Friday when we were doing shots. And I told you I don't like having my ears being licked.
-The olympics are finally over, which means Law and Order :SVU is back on.
-Downloading a new messenger to talk to one person who's never online anyway does nothing but make a slow computer even worse
-My mother needs to take my grandmother's car keys away. Her driving was poor three years ago, now it's dangerous.
-I need to get out more often.
-I hate my profile picture, too, but I don't have anything else that will fit. When and if I learn how to post pictures in these journal entries, I'll get something better up...but it'll still be a picture of me, so how much of an improvement that is is your call.
that she is

and seven would be far more appropriate i should think