All Freakin' Right then!

So... My foot's better. Actually, I was jogging last night.
Crazy, eh? I guess I'm going to take up jogging. I've got to go get a set of cross trainers. Maybe some I can pump up!

Lets see what's going down in my life:

1)I had a party that went really bad. Cops did eventually show up. I was pretty pissed....
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I've gone and broken my foot! Hopefully I'll get to keep the x-rays and I'll make pictures for you all.

P.S. I'm fucking RAD!

yeah, so i got your email about your shindig/box social/ party dealie.....about three days after said get together. gotta love how gmail sends sg stuff to my spam..... surreal

and dude, your foot so isn't broken anymore.
YMCA? no way man.... totally don't like the whole idea of exercising with a bunch of people. I am one of those stay at home and do my own Yoga and Pilates type of girl...
Hey biatchez! El Sancez Del Bitchez! Eggs Bitchadict! Is that dog a dude? No, it's a BITCH!

That last one was off.

So, I saw a dog get SMOKED on Stafford the other day. I and two other people'd been trying to catch it for about 15 miutes when it decided to run out onto the street. It got fucking NAILED! And then bit the...
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... and then Ben updated his suicide girls journal.
The End.
Dear Ben.
Congratulations on your cast!
Your sister.
Son of a bitch! I'm updating!

So, The Valkilmers are practicing hard to take over the winnipeg improv scene. It's good times. Jamaal, Steve and I are working hard on Blues, Oranges and maybe even a little Tanzania!

If Anna Weir is reading this, (which I doubt,) your party last night kinda sucked! Your friends are tools! Steve agrees.

I may have a computer at...
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Wow you DO exist!

One of my best friends used to work at that bar, but he quit cos the violence was getting really outta hand. Yikes, you never realize that Winnipeg is actually like that for real.

Good luck with the computer, and good luck with standing girl. ARRR!!!

Edited to add, you work at respite, so you might know my friend Marc. He's kind of a douche you probably hate him. later.

[Edited on Mar 22, 2005 1:46PM]
i am SO 24 now beeyatch, thanx for the birthday wishes
So, lets see now!

I've been rawkin' along these past few weeks. I'm diggin life pretty much. It's strange living life without the internet. I've also no T.V. or news paper. I'm TOTALLY not up to date with the news. Apparently there were LOADS of murders the other day. That's creepy. A few of my friends also got in a fight on Friday night. A...
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You have penis envy, don't you.
hey ben, if you get this... papermoon (the band rob is in) is playing at the west end next wednesday nite. please come if you can. tickets are $10 at the door. its being put on for 'much (music) does winnipeg'. so a few bands are playing. should be good.
Ah, soo... Strange things are going on!

I'm moving out of my parents house into a nice house on Jessie. (For those of you who kind of know Winnipeg, Jessie is one street south of Corydon.) It's right in the midst of things (near Bar I, Soup Pierre, all of that fun stuff) and... yeah. I'm super hyped! It'll be good times, I figure. I've...
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that area of town is pretty awesome. i just moved into wolseley area.. discovering it for the first time. so many little places to go with great local bands. great alternative to the crappy clubs.
Wow you live near corydon in canada. i live near croydon in england. small world aint it, barring a small move of the letters r and o.
ps im not trying to sell you anything.
All right. I guess it's time for a new update.

So, thanks to Cai for promoing my show! Totally cool! It went down pretty good. We mae some money and it was a really good show. We had a big audience and they all seemed to like it. Soo... thanks!

I bought Fable for the X-box today. It's pretty good times. I'm only a few...
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tongue hullo.
don't make plans for the evening of september 30th. papermoon is playing at the collective (basement part of the die machine or whatever its currently called) on osborne with coleco. bring people. apparently the keyboard player for coleco looks like an anime drawing, i haven't seen her but she's supposed to be adorable. and papermoon's lead singer shakes her head and rubs her thighs together while she sings and plays guitar, making all the males in the crowd drool.
ok i'm just trying to make you go to the show. it should be fun.
glad to hear valkilmers went well. sorry i didn't make it. frown
next time.

beep-bop-bloop-ben (sorry i'm running out of ideas)
So, I just saw my friend on Much Music. It's the Canadian MTV. He walked by the camera while two members of Not By Choice tried to get two girls to kiss. Yeah, good job guys. He lives RIGHT near the CHUM Citi building. I always look for him, but until now have never actually seen him.

Lets see. I've got an improv show coming...
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hey neighbor. no you're cool. i'm advertising for the valkilmers in my journal now too. if i can find some people to come with me i'll be there. i don't think i'm going to that barbeque.

ben walks.
How'd the show go?
I'm sure you improvers went with the flow.
Sorry I couldn't go.
Let me know about the next show.

Next friday, they say it may snow.
But I don't think so.
What the hell do those guys know.

I miss G.I.JOE.
You know who's a good writer, that Edger Allen Poe.
I have a lawn that I should go mow.
Greg has too much time on his hands.
(did you expect that to rhyme) biggrin
Today I'm doing the MS Bike Tour! Woo Hoo!

By tomorrow, I'll have biked 180 Km. I'm jazzed up!

Ben Rawks!
can i pre-buy tickets or are they just rush- at the door? you must be able to pre-buy... rush makes no sense... where can i? i haven't seen any posters yet. i live on corydon... i'm watching for them.
i work at the regent walmart... i also worked at the polo park store for a year, so i don't think i know chantal. i've met a girl named chantal, but i don't know her last name... was your chantal phillipino? if not, then no, i don't know her. i like the st v store though, its so nice.
if i do go to the show, i won't hunt you down, but maybe if i see you on stage i'll do something silly to get your attention, like stand on my chair and shake my ass and yell "benjaminfree rawks." maybe. you scan the crowd for me.
Jessie... thats pretty close by. its a great area to live in. except if you don't have a parking spot... it can be pretty tough to park around here on weekend evenings. its noisy too... someone puts off fireworks every nite... its pretty funny. you're just laying there in bed and then *POP! POW!* theres the fireworks. i love it around here though, its fantastic.
no, my family doesn't live in transcona. actually, they live in portage la prairie. i do have relatives that live in n. kildonan, and i was living with my gramma there for a while, thats when i started working at the regent store. yeah its pretty far, but not too bad, like a 15-20 minute drive if you take marion. i have a car and rob buses, so it made sense to live closer to his work. and we just really like this area.
well, jeez, you know so much about me, where i live and work... how about you? what area do you live in? i know you do respite work... how's that going? does your family live in winnipeg? do you live at home still or on your own or with a roommate/girlfriend?
i just noticed that we both have december birthdays and really cliche tattoos/piercings. tongue did you hate having a birthday in december? my parents tried really hard to keep it seperate, but my presents ALWAYS got wrapped in paper with christmas trees on it. frown
anyways... i'm rambling.
I'm all set for the MS Bike Tour! Good times! My team and I (as though I own it) are going for a ride tomorrow. It should be good times. It should be 50 km, but it may be less. I hope we do the whole thing. It's not near to the eventual length of the tour. I believe next weekend 900 cyclists will be...
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i'm glad you like my journals and i hope you're only joking when you say you'd steal my words...
oh. and i'm from toronto.
Lemony is my cat. there are a series of kids books called "a series of unfortunate events, and the author's name is Lemony Snicket. so she got named after him. they're making a movie about the books with jim carrey.
yes st vital does kick ass. its the best mall in the city, i think. i don't get out there much though.

Lemony Rocks.
Ah, good times.

So, I've got this great work schedual. I don't work unless I get a call asking me if I can work the next week. I love it! And it's not like I'm not working, I'm working loads. So, control = happiness.

Also, woman friends rock! Were I to have to choose to be friends with only guys, or only ladies, I'd CERTAINLY...
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Postal Service makes me melt. going to see garden state at grant park tonite. you could stalk me!
yeah i can see how bringing the kids there would be a bad idea. i'm sure that i kicked the seat in front of me more than once while adjusting myself. but i still like the rocking, its so comfortable. have you ever tried to watch a full length movie at the imax? that could be like a torture for death row inmates. its so bad. i will NEVER do it again.