What do you get when you mix two dogs, one female roommate, two very brave praying mantis, and my camera? Hilarious pandemonium.
A random praying mantis flew into our house the other night when I opened the front door. After landing on my pants, he looked at me like I owed him money.

(yes, I was playing with photoshop on this one)
So, of course, I got a card and we started to battle.

After realizing that he was no match for the discount card, he took to the skies. Apparently having seen some recent WW II movies, he was an excellent kamikaze bomber. My roommate started to scream at the top of her lungs and our puppy, U, was trying his hardest to catch the airborne offender....to no avail. However, the praying mantis, lets call him Steven, decided to rest and flew next to the entertainment center so no one could sneak up on his backside. With tears in my eyes and laughter in my heart, my roommate told me that the same thing had happened the very night before as another mantis, this one can be Jeffrey, had flown into our house. Just then...more pandemonium. Jeffrey had not made his farewell speech yet. With the stealth of a ninja, Jeffrey started to sneak around the couch and up towards my unknowing roommate.

Losing the ability to keep a straight face, I unintentionally ruined the daring ninja mantis' attack. Then recommenced the screaming. This caused Steven to take flight and now I had a mini reenactment of King Kong in my living room. To save my new found jesters, I had to think fast. With a letter in one hand, glass in the other, and the quickness of a feral cat, I captured the mantis and released them into the wild.
The fun never ends, when you know were to look.
A random praying mantis flew into our house the other night when I opened the front door. After landing on my pants, he looked at me like I owed him money.

So, of course, I got a card and we started to battle.

After realizing that he was no match for the discount card, he took to the skies. Apparently having seen some recent WW II movies, he was an excellent kamikaze bomber. My roommate started to scream at the top of her lungs and our puppy, U, was trying his hardest to catch the airborne offender....to no avail. However, the praying mantis, lets call him Steven, decided to rest and flew next to the entertainment center so no one could sneak up on his backside. With tears in my eyes and laughter in my heart, my roommate told me that the same thing had happened the very night before as another mantis, this one can be Jeffrey, had flown into our house. Just then...more pandemonium. Jeffrey had not made his farewell speech yet. With the stealth of a ninja, Jeffrey started to sneak around the couch and up towards my unknowing roommate.

Losing the ability to keep a straight face, I unintentionally ruined the daring ninja mantis' attack. Then recommenced the screaming. This caused Steven to take flight and now I had a mini reenactment of King Kong in my living room. To save my new found jesters, I had to think fast. With a letter in one hand, glass in the other, and the quickness of a feral cat, I captured the mantis and released them into the wild.
The fun never ends, when you know were to look.
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream is pure win.
You should defiantly check out that book. I just read a couple pages in yesterday, and its pretty awesome so far.
You WOULD go check your facebook! Dorkus.