Alright...Fill me in. How has everyone been? I promise i will be on more often now..ha.
I've been gone from here for quite awhile. I will have to be more active later though..right now I am trying to figure out where i am going to get a job and how to pay my bills..blah.
heugh. best of luck, dude! <3
Hello SG goers,

Sorry for my absence, but hope all is well.

Something is bugging me..

So ever since i got sick, I have been have been quite lethargic. I can't blame it on being sick, because i am healthy now. Nothing more than a slight cough here and there. This is a new problem for me.

Don't get me wrong, I've been depressed before....
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take a break babe.. you sound like you need to get away and just relax for a little whilesmile... its that time of year for sure.. dont get couped up..lots of love, and i hope you get some inner peace soonkiss
Well for sure take a break and go on a vacation whenever you get a chance, getting away from the every day to day bs helps put things back into perspective... I know how you feel though hun kisskiss
Yay!!! I am finally no sick anymore. I feel way better.

Life has kept me busy and, unfortunately, away from suicide girls. Congrats on Jane Doe and her set going live. That girl is just sexy. Congrats to all the new lives sets too though.

Well, I'm off again to do more French HW. Live it up SG.
Same here. Isn't it refreshing to wake up feeling like yourself rather than like you just got beat up? How is french? I've thought about learning it for my travels.
Good to hear you feel better. I hate being sick. It sucks. But then again its nice to be in bed all day..for other reasons than being sickwinkkiss. lots of lovewink
perv tongue
Oh the perks of working in a pharmacy.... I got sick. I have been sick for the past week. Sorry for the crappy post, but i think my brain has stopped working.
awww poor little thing kiss
Professionally I've been doing it for about two years. I have various Canon cameras.
I haven't been on in awhile. Only because Aion was released and I have been consumed with playing that (and of course school and work, but video games are more important right?). What's new here at SG?

Cereza has a new set in member review. Show some love, she's a great model. Her facial expressions in a couple of pics made me think I was...
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Heeeeey! Long time no talk!
How have you been? Enjoying your game?!

Good luck on the test! Stop by and say hi once in awhile!
well youre no help..lol..but thanks..xo
I know you would honey..I'm just fucking with you...its the thought that counts right?
hahaha that's sooo fuckin cute!! biggrin I love preying mantis'!!
Oh man that was an epic blog story!!! I look forward to more adventures with Jeffery and Steven. They sounds like great lads. Hehe.
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream is pure win.
You should defiantly check out that book. I just read a couple pages in yesterday, and its pretty awesome so far.
You WOULD go check your facebook! Dorkus. tongue
Well, I'm exhausted. If anyone wants any advice...Do not work in a pharmacy the day after labor day. Wow.
Yeah I know I have been MIA>> you too? What's been going on with you? Ya I hope all the stress is over..lol I haven't had a chance to go get anymore added yet.. frown But once I'm settled I'll go back and get more..
I definitely did not expect to wake up with a headache today.

Random social moment last night. I was going to be an adult and come home to do homework, but I walked into the bar, in which I work, to pick up tip out and 3 random ladies screamed my name. It didn't turn into a responsible go home early night, but now I...
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