i got a new car system!
i applied for a job!
i had to do a stupid math test for it!
fuck i hate math!
i hate retail... im going to hate my new job if i get it.
hopefully i get it... i sure need the hours and the cash.
i miss my old friends. i want new friends.
i want to be a SG
i need a boyfriend or a girlfirend ... i am super lonley.
i am being really random tonight..
oh and i am a DD.. how amazing! my mother is off clubbing! WTF.
CRAZY... i need to get a life.
i applied for a job!
i had to do a stupid math test for it!
fuck i hate math!
i hate retail... im going to hate my new job if i get it.
hopefully i get it... i sure need the hours and the cash.
i miss my old friends. i want new friends.
i want to be a SG

i need a boyfriend or a girlfirend ... i am super lonley.
i am being really random tonight..
oh and i am a DD.. how amazing! my mother is off clubbing! WTF.
CRAZY... i need to get a life.
I am a pretty big audio nerd so i gotta ask what you put in it? *thereby risking that you may in fact not know or care and not be of the genre of "girls that like the cars, the cars that go boom" * and being that your name is neither tigre or money that is entirely likely (that may just be way to inside)
I think we all hate math.
Tis a shame boston and toronto are so distant. my friends are awesome and i could totally lone you some. Hopefully you at least come across a cutie to stave off the blues.
Cheers hun.