soooo i went out last night to a club with some friends and got pretty drunk and had a really great time. i love being single..... something funny happened last night out at the gay club. we went to leave the club and there are two guys in the street trying to witness to people. one is wearing a button on his shirt that says... jesus loves gays. and they stop to talk to us and im sure u know how that went... of course i had to ask them why they would even be standing outside a gay bar trying to preach to us when clearly because of this guys button, jesus loves gays!! he had no answer for that one. he also had no answer for any of my questions. i find it to funny when you go round and round with this people and ask them questions about the bible just to see if they can answer you, and they can never give me a straight up answer.they just dance around the question and say , you just have to have faith. well im sorry....... im one of those people that need answers, if you can prove it, ill believe it. if you cant.. then find a new thing to witness about!!
been there before a couple times....... hell, I think I am there again now! ughhhh is the correct thing to say there. any idea if it might be mutual??