New Years resolutions for 2013
1- Get my finances back in order The back third of the year always seams to be down financial for me, I used to pay my car insurance in aug/sept, some of the time I was in school and not working, what ever time I missed in the winter for bad weather, being sick or over christmas break, etc. This past year I also bought some nice tools that, were expensive, and the new car that my family paid for most of but still, there was a big little bit left. I got my old job with a raise back in august, but so far I haven't seen much from that. A sort of odd thing is that the payroll is direct deposit twice a month, so there isn't the huge range of monthly incomes (bad or good) that my prevous job had, or the range from months that ended up with 3 every two week pay checks. I'm not going to have a month that goes in the top ten of my income spead sheet. but I'm going to have lots around 30th. Bit of a change.
2- Find a good home for my car I've realized that I can't keep my car I wanted to keep for ever. It's going to be hard for me to sell on a number of levels. I used to try fixing cars to sell them but I had a lot of trouble just getting someone to come look at them. The first person generaly bought it but it always took more time that I hoped. This time I am looking for someone who will be passionate about my car, so it will likely take longer. I'm worried that someone will look at it and i won't be ok selling it to them, if they would be able to take care of it, and then no one else turning up. So it will be hard for me.
3- Have 26 things I can say I built or finished this year I am a fan of the 365's that people do, so this is my version. I do build things at work but those aren't going count. I picked 26 as it is mostly a week end thing. I work 10 hour days and live 30 minutes away from the shop space I use so most of the stuff I want to build doesn't get worked on durning the week. When my parents moved in to separate houses my brother and I agreed that we end up losing one week end in three dealing with one parent or another. The shop space I use also isn't heated so besides being a bit uncomfortable to work in during the winter, there are some things I can do, glue doesn't set, stain doesn't dry, paint doesn't cure. There's talk of overtime at work this spring which I will go for because I just do. That how i came up with half the week ends in the year, some metal working, sewing, wood working and leather, some tools and jigs.
4- Prove to myself I can make money building things It does go along with the above resolution, and one from last year. I'm not sure if there is a dollar amount on this or if it's more to find a variety of places to sell things. At some point I'm going to have to decide to buy my own shop space or largely stop building things. I want to know if I can afford to keep making things. My dad has talked to me about buying the shop space I use now from him, he's 77 so at some point he (or his estate) will end up selling it. There aren't many similar spaces available and they don't come on the market that often, so do I buy my own before my dad sells his? Another factor is that your not susposed to make money out of my dad's space, while it is owned not rented or leased so the neighbours can't really do anything about it, why test that? I can't buy a house with a big garage because they are too expensive here and the realestate market has so many places for sale that I wouldn't be able to sell my condo. The lack of small shop spaces is a problem Adam Savage bought up on one of his talks on He was talking about San Francisco but it holds true here and likely lots of places, you can't buy 500-1,000 sq ft shop spaces, here they start at 3,000 sq ft.
5- Try online dating site I'm not social enought to meet people that aren't in a customer service roll, so yeah dating.
Unresolved from last year
2012 A6- Yes I'm using the catalog style for Near Earth Asteroids, deal with it. Have more sex
2012 A4.1- Sell something on Etsy One of my resolutions from last year was to open an etsy page and sell something. I got the first part, WLMCreations but I haven't made a sale yet.
2012 A5- Make modular shelving for my condo I have a lot of books and movies, some are on an ikea shelf that I don't like and most of the books are in rubbermaid boxes stacked against the wall. I made the protype (last summer) for the shelving I want to make I just have to build a work bench to have the production capability to build all the shelving bits.
1- Get my finances back in order The back third of the year always seams to be down financial for me, I used to pay my car insurance in aug/sept, some of the time I was in school and not working, what ever time I missed in the winter for bad weather, being sick or over christmas break, etc. This past year I also bought some nice tools that, were expensive, and the new car that my family paid for most of but still, there was a big little bit left. I got my old job with a raise back in august, but so far I haven't seen much from that. A sort of odd thing is that the payroll is direct deposit twice a month, so there isn't the huge range of monthly incomes (bad or good) that my prevous job had, or the range from months that ended up with 3 every two week pay checks. I'm not going to have a month that goes in the top ten of my income spead sheet. but I'm going to have lots around 30th. Bit of a change.
2- Find a good home for my car I've realized that I can't keep my car I wanted to keep for ever. It's going to be hard for me to sell on a number of levels. I used to try fixing cars to sell them but I had a lot of trouble just getting someone to come look at them. The first person generaly bought it but it always took more time that I hoped. This time I am looking for someone who will be passionate about my car, so it will likely take longer. I'm worried that someone will look at it and i won't be ok selling it to them, if they would be able to take care of it, and then no one else turning up. So it will be hard for me.
3- Have 26 things I can say I built or finished this year I am a fan of the 365's that people do, so this is my version. I do build things at work but those aren't going count. I picked 26 as it is mostly a week end thing. I work 10 hour days and live 30 minutes away from the shop space I use so most of the stuff I want to build doesn't get worked on durning the week. When my parents moved in to separate houses my brother and I agreed that we end up losing one week end in three dealing with one parent or another. The shop space I use also isn't heated so besides being a bit uncomfortable to work in during the winter, there are some things I can do, glue doesn't set, stain doesn't dry, paint doesn't cure. There's talk of overtime at work this spring which I will go for because I just do. That how i came up with half the week ends in the year, some metal working, sewing, wood working and leather, some tools and jigs.
4- Prove to myself I can make money building things It does go along with the above resolution, and one from last year. I'm not sure if there is a dollar amount on this or if it's more to find a variety of places to sell things. At some point I'm going to have to decide to buy my own shop space or largely stop building things. I want to know if I can afford to keep making things. My dad has talked to me about buying the shop space I use now from him, he's 77 so at some point he (or his estate) will end up selling it. There aren't many similar spaces available and they don't come on the market that often, so do I buy my own before my dad sells his? Another factor is that your not susposed to make money out of my dad's space, while it is owned not rented or leased so the neighbours can't really do anything about it, why test that? I can't buy a house with a big garage because they are too expensive here and the realestate market has so many places for sale that I wouldn't be able to sell my condo. The lack of small shop spaces is a problem Adam Savage bought up on one of his talks on He was talking about San Francisco but it holds true here and likely lots of places, you can't buy 500-1,000 sq ft shop spaces, here they start at 3,000 sq ft.
5- Try online dating site I'm not social enought to meet people that aren't in a customer service roll, so yeah dating.
Unresolved from last year
2012 A6- Yes I'm using the catalog style for Near Earth Asteroids, deal with it. Have more sex
2012 A4.1- Sell something on Etsy One of my resolutions from last year was to open an etsy page and sell something. I got the first part, WLMCreations but I haven't made a sale yet.
2012 A5- Make modular shelving for my condo I have a lot of books and movies, some are on an ikea shelf that I don't like and most of the books are in rubbermaid boxes stacked against the wall. I made the protype (last summer) for the shelving I want to make I just have to build a work bench to have the production capability to build all the shelving bits.
It came shipped to me like that with my textbooks and a note about how college kids don't need sleep!