I found a part in the book that badly needed a comma:
... you observe a 5" deep laceration to the mid forearm with moderate bleeding.
I've got a ruler handy and at best my mid forearm is 3.5" across, how big is this guy? and almost regardless of how big he is I don't think I'd call that a laceration, that what you call something that needs some stiches they've almost cut there fucking arm off.
The other thing being the next day I was in a medical clinic and an 90+ year old woman was brought in by her daughter barely breathing. Really, The first aid course said if the patient (victim, whatever)'s partialy blocked airway doesn't clear in 10 minutes, call an ambulance and let the hospitals figure it out. Instead the nursing home called the daughter, who arrived, took her mother to a clinic, where she waited as the sectary/ nurse person did paper work, handled other people. The other people in the waiting room banded together and got her bumped to top spot. I was waiting for her to get slightly worse before I grabbed the desk phone from the nurse and call an ambulance. The doctor get there seven second decison , paramedics are there in 90 seconds. Nothing like that debate of are medical people higher up the first aider chain than level one and a bit of SEP.
Hope the old girl is still with us and feeling better.
Pine! European Cypress tree.... its just a baby tho. Matures at 15ft tall.