So I got the 'World Vision" gift catalog in the mail a while ago it's the one digwells and buys farm animals and schooling for third world peoples etc.
I got wondering about some of the prices and what they would include.
-drill a well and bring water to 500 children and families $15,000. you need a truck for that, people to run said truck, pipe, pump, that one sounds about right.
-skip to the loo $125, I'm wondering what this includes. The picture shows a little girl holding tp and near an out house like structure. Not to speak ill of the third world but where does $125 go on that front, I guess building the 'smallest of rooms' and providing a bunch of lovely tp. Can I pay for the one that gives a local a shovel, a seat, tells him to dig a deep hole and throws in a box of the lovely tp?
-The best seller, 'two hens and a rooster' $50, while I have never bought or priced out a rooster I have bought chickens from small local sources at $8 each, I'll assume roosters don't cost $34, yes there is shipping to some third world country involved but there is also the industrialization of the process, economy of scale.
- 2 rabbits $35, Ah rabbits, as the result of realizing 12 (or 12 pairs of) rabbits in Australia in October 1859 and varrious attempts since to wipe them out Australia has in the hundreds of millions of them. At $17 a rabbit in africa (lets say) you could have a $5 bounty for them, live in oz, have kids grabbing them for money rather than flipping burgers, so $12 left, a pipe line from Perth to South Africa some 8000 km long, costing $100,000 per km, $100 per meter would pay for it's self with the transportation of 67 million rabbits around 20% of the number in Austrialia and as they have a 1000% anunal growth rate this would be sustainable. Good for Oz and good for hungry children. Yes rabbits don't do well in pipelines but livestock ships that do take sheep and cows from Austrialia are less fun to think of.
I got wondering about some of the prices and what they would include.
-drill a well and bring water to 500 children and families $15,000. you need a truck for that, people to run said truck, pipe, pump, that one sounds about right.
-skip to the loo $125, I'm wondering what this includes. The picture shows a little girl holding tp and near an out house like structure. Not to speak ill of the third world but where does $125 go on that front, I guess building the 'smallest of rooms' and providing a bunch of lovely tp. Can I pay for the one that gives a local a shovel, a seat, tells him to dig a deep hole and throws in a box of the lovely tp?
-The best seller, 'two hens and a rooster' $50, while I have never bought or priced out a rooster I have bought chickens from small local sources at $8 each, I'll assume roosters don't cost $34, yes there is shipping to some third world country involved but there is also the industrialization of the process, economy of scale.
- 2 rabbits $35, Ah rabbits, as the result of realizing 12 (or 12 pairs of) rabbits in Australia in October 1859 and varrious attempts since to wipe them out Australia has in the hundreds of millions of them. At $17 a rabbit in africa (lets say) you could have a $5 bounty for them, live in oz, have kids grabbing them for money rather than flipping burgers, so $12 left, a pipe line from Perth to South Africa some 8000 km long, costing $100,000 per km, $100 per meter would pay for it's self with the transportation of 67 million rabbits around 20% of the number in Austrialia and as they have a 1000% anunal growth rate this would be sustainable. Good for Oz and good for hungry children. Yes rabbits don't do well in pipelines but livestock ships that do take sheep and cows from Austrialia are less fun to think of.