So at coffee break two of my co-workers were texting each other. One sent the one sitting closer sent a picture of some woman's selfie in a gym mirror. I think he gave a disapproving woah and showed me the shot of the woman that had a physique carved from stone. I looked and asked 'oh is that Dana Lynn Bailey?" might have been. That...
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Bit of an update:
I still can't seem to find a good rhythm at work having to do new things is part of it. I think it's also just reminding me that I have most of the tools that place I work for have, or I have more or better and I should really just be working for my self. It is still the big...
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One of the things I like about SG's is that some of them can look very different in some of their photos, I saw a picture on tumblr of some cute girls cuddling, and read the caption at the bottom. Dwam was one of them, and despite following her blog, and sets for years I didn't recognize her.
So I may have found how to post a new blog.
At least I can press enter here. I'm not a big fan of the changes around hear but I've heard good things from the non-computer viewers, and that was what they were going for, there that.
The other week Kari Byron (Mythbusters) posted a tweet about seeing kids build stuff with computers and 3-d...
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I can't post the video because I don't have an account with youtube so they can't prove I'm over 18.
Anyway I liked that they did the exam as...
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I went to my last unmarried friend's wedding last week end. There were some good speeches where they shared some cool little personal tid bits, those little things that...
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<3 From Chile...
It is the early piece of wood work that I really liked. It's a nice...
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I didnt really work the SG booth at SDCC, tho I did stop by occasionally.
Wow, thanks for finding the pic! great one!
I completed New Years resolution 2012 A1. I had sort of abandoned that one but I've completed it now, I got my car re-appraised 2 weeks ago, got the results in the mail 5 days later. The good and bad since the last appraisal largely cancelled each other out, so that was good. The appraiser said the records...
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I wanted to...
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My favorite right now is a Mazda RX7 from `84. There's a really good looking one in Berlin right now I'm considering. But I could still be pursuaded to get something else, depending!
We don't have a daughter, or...
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