Well well well, still in Texas aren't we... Business has actually been suprisingly good considering how close to the holiday season it is. Can't wait til people start gettin taxes back!! Hope everyone's doin well out there, I think I'll be alright haha. Been playin the shit outta some MW3 lately anyone on there should hit me up. I'm not good at it, but it's fun nonetheless. Sold my first painting, still pretty stoked on that, just bummed out I totally forgot to snag a pic of it before it was gone... My brother is bringin my dog, Johnny, down hopefully next month. He is the most cautious dog I've ever met, I miss his punkass so bad!
Stay classy, SG

Stay classy, SG

I'm sure I can find you something, may not be tattooing though, more a paid 'plaything'