So, another long time between updates for me...
Christmas went OK, I suppose. In and of itself, it was fine. Sadly, my Grandmother passed away. It makes me sad, but she died in exactally the way she wanted(At home, and to the best of our knowledge in her sleep), so that makes it infinitely easier to bear. She'd always worried she'd wind up in the hospital, or a nursing home, and it would have made it a thousand times worse if it had ended up that way. I'll miss her, but I'm happy she died the way she wished.
Otherwise, my life is going the same as usual. Last visit to my cardiologist wound up with another "No change, but that's better than bad things!" report.
Now, I have to find something to do for New Year's Eve. Hopefully something fun.
Christmas went OK, I suppose. In and of itself, it was fine. Sadly, my Grandmother passed away. It makes me sad, but she died in exactally the way she wanted(At home, and to the best of our knowledge in her sleep), so that makes it infinitely easier to bear. She'd always worried she'd wind up in the hospital, or a nursing home, and it would have made it a thousand times worse if it had ended up that way. I'll miss her, but I'm happy she died the way she wished.
Otherwise, my life is going the same as usual. Last visit to my cardiologist wound up with another "No change, but that's better than bad things!" report.
Now, I have to find something to do for New Year's Eve. Hopefully something fun.
Thanks but it doens't look like it's gonna happen for me damn it! lol Yeah, the buddy system back fired on me. He was afraid since I was such good friends with the people he works closely with that there might be too much drama or some horse shit like that..I guess if anything ever happened like a lay off or whatever..anywho...I think it was my labret personally! lol I had actually met the guy before, and that's how he remembers me...