Things have been improving somewhat of late, I've been talking to some pretty awesome people and that's certainly made things start looking up. My sleep is still erratic and hard to come by at times, but I think it's settling down at least a little. Other than that I suppose it's just all been about making some new, and awesome, friends and spending a lot of time chatting/flirting/chilling with them. Sometimes all three at once lol. My attitude is certainly improving from what it had been of late, and it is in large part thanks to them. I've also reconnected with some friends from the past, and it's been refreshing as well. I'm sure I'll be updating here a little more often...I've started doing more posts on facebook...but there's far too many family members and the like there to post as freely as I can here. I guess the major part is I just have to start opening up and posting.
Thank you for your love! 
