I can at least cheer for high speed internet access. I'm averaging at least 30+ mbps down and 6-7 up...closer to 50 down/8 up during non-peak hours. Now if I could get my damn Team Fortress 2 working right I'd be even happier.
More Blogs
Tuesday Jul 16, 2013
The insomnia continues, this is the worst it's been in years...honest… -
Tuesday Jul 09, 2013
I've been out of sorts for a long time now, but I'm working on changi… -
Tuesday Feb 05, 2013
So, I'll either have comcast internet and cable in a few hours, or th… -
Sunday Feb 03, 2013
Picked up a Nexus 7 tablet a couple of days ago. I'm quite liking it… -
Monday Oct 15, 2012
Life goes decently well I suppose. Not great, but it's certainly bee… -
Sunday Apr 29, 2012
Had a quiet birthday recently, quiet life in general really. Not muc… -
Thursday Feb 16, 2012
New update, since I suck at updating. I had a really great day/night… -
Thursday Oct 20, 2011
I've been having on and off days lately. I'm not happy at the place … -
Monday Oct 17, 2011
Just came back from an awesome week in Northern Michigan. Went to vi… -
Saturday Sep 24, 2011
Things are going...well, they are just going. It could be worse I su…