I haven't had the greatest week lately. It did at least wake me up to a few things. Now I have to get my life in better order, and pray that it's not too late. I want nothing more than for her to be happy, but I also hope that it is with me. It figures that I manage to work out the ability to move, and it might be a month too late. I hope not, and I'm going to keep trying as hard as I can. I love her.
More Blogs
Thursday Sep 21, 2006
So, the trip to North Carolina to visit my good friend who's currentl… -
Saturday Sep 02, 2006
So it seems that I never really remember to update my Blog here, whic… -
Wednesday Apr 26, 2006
Argh! Another year, another Birthday... It just continues to prov… -
Saturday Jan 28, 2006
*ping* Just to finally update again, I always forget to do such thin… -
Friday Jun 24, 2005
Boy, is it forever between updates for me...goes to show I have a bor… -
Monday Apr 04, 2005
Seeing as it's been awhile, I figured I should update my journal: … -
Saturday Mar 05, 2005
Today was a good day, I ordered a new Powerbook! March 15th or so … -
Sunday Feb 13, 2005
You know, I really hate this time of year. Not specifically Valentin… -
Friday Jan 28, 2005
Out of sheer boredom, I shall update my journal! Life continues as… -
Tuesday Dec 28, 2004
So, another long time between updates for me... Christmas went OK,…