I haven't had the greatest week lately. It did at least wake me up to a few things. Now I have to get my life in better order, and pray that it's not too late. I want nothing more than for her to be happy, but I also hope that it is with me. It figures that I manage to work out the ability to move, and it might be a month too late. I hope not, and I'm going to keep trying as hard as I can. I love her.
More Blogs
Monday Apr 27, 2009
Long time between updates for me, mostly due to a dead laptop for mos… -
Saturday May 24, 2008
I've been having a great past few weeks. Met someone awesome, and I … -
Saturday Apr 26, 2008
So, I'm 30 today. Honestly, doesn't fuck with me as bad as I'd been … -
Friday Apr 04, 2008
Read More -
Saturday Mar 22, 2008
It's amazing how often I forget to post anything here, but at least I… -
Sunday Jul 29, 2007
The insomnia trend continues...I slept maybe 4 hours in the past 30, … -
Friday Jun 29, 2007
Insomnia sucks. 4 hours of sleep in the past 36 hours, and looking l… -
Friday Apr 20, 2007
Happy 4/20 everyone -
Tuesday Jan 09, 2007
"I said I'm Fucking Superman". Warren Ellis scarred my brain. Don't… -
Friday Jan 05, 2007
Ye gods, I really do go forever between postings. I suppose given th…