Having hope for the future is tearing me apart. If I could give up I'd be far better off. How do I stop caring and just become numb? I won't kill myself because of the pain it would cause others but I can't go on like this any longer. Tempted to just stop taking my meds, it's not killing myself if I just stop fighting...
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I'm still alive. That should be something to be thankful for, but most of the time I spend wishing that any one of the times I almost died didn't have the "almost" in there. I wish I had the energy to be angry at myself for thinking along those lines, but I just don't anymore. I manage to fight it off for awhile, but it's...
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So my insomnia has just been getting worse and worse, though at least I haven't gone the 110+ hours awake that I did at the end of April. I'm hoping that the counselor that I'll soon be seeing will be able to help in some form or fashion, though I know all the regular crap they suggest never works for me. I've tried meditation, relaxation...
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It's been awhile since I posted, and I'm pretty bad about updating things here but I've been feeling really down lately. I'm tired of being alone and not having a relationship. I've dated on and off, but it's almost always been with women who are anywhere from 1-6 hours away from where I live. There's not a lot of chances to meet new people in...
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So, my 17 inch Macbook Pro's hard drive has crashed out on me and it's currently in the shop attempting to recover the data then replace the HD. If my damn WD My Book Live would work as it was supposed to, there would be no risk of data lost since I had set up Time Machine to back up daily. Would have been great...
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Merry Christmas all, hopefully it's a great day for those who celebrate it!
So given my insomnia I'm often up and about all night, and since I live in the middle of nowhere there's usually not much happening. This leads to pleny of TV watching, and often enough I'm watching cartoon network/adult swim. There's a few of their shows that I just don't get, but in general I love everything they air. Like currently I'm high and watching...
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Well, I've just now started poking around the new site and I guess it's OK. Change just takes getting used to, I suppose. Tonight has been a TV night, some great shows...and some I feel dumber for having watched. Whatever this Chriss Angel show that my roommate currently has on just makes me think an aneurism would be required for me to want to watch...
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