ugh what a day.
3 classes from 9-12
studiage from 12-2:30
Exam 2:30-3:30
and NOW i have to go make some runs and THEN
at 7:30 i still need to be sober enough to go to a school board meeting and "evaluate leadership styles in small groups"
hopefully this week is fun an fast and i get lots of shit done so i can live it up this weekend
3 classes from 9-12
studiage from 12-2:30
Exam 2:30-3:30
and NOW i have to go make some runs and THEN
at 7:30 i still need to be sober enough to go to a school board meeting and "evaluate leadership styles in small groups"

hopefully this week is fun an fast and i get lots of shit done so i can live it up this weekend
good luck getting your shit done
tadzi might be visiting me sometime in march we should all hang out