So... Ok...
Thank you all for your bday wishes, I felt loved, very loved and it was a great feeling you guys, thank you!!!
This year has started REALLY well in a lot of aspects, work, business (different stuff from work), friends, honesty, myself, the band, my mom... Everything seems to be going really smoothly and I think it was about damn time!!!
I'm having a lot of fun lately, I feel rested, even tho insomnia has kicked in once more... I feel healthy, I feel good... I guess these last 9 months of working on myself have paid off... When I say working on myself I mean everything from diet, exercise, therapy, self awareness... It's been tough, I'm not used to think about myself... Talk about an ironic only child, huh?
Even my dog has been behaving better, my mom bought her a bed and she's using it! It's amazing... She's never been willing to sleep anywhere else but next to me...
DrJekyll left a while ago, she stayed over along with Logan, my guitar player... We had fun, but felt like crap early today, hehe...
I have no idea when we're gonna start band practice again, holidays have been extended for a few days apparently...
I have to get my ass into gear to finish off some work, but for now, I'm too tired to begin... So I'll do it tomorrow, along with cleaning the house...
I love you all, and I know 2009 is MY year, I hope you all embrace that thought as well, it helps...
Thank you all for your bday wishes, I felt loved, very loved and it was a great feeling you guys, thank you!!!
This year has started REALLY well in a lot of aspects, work, business (different stuff from work), friends, honesty, myself, the band, my mom... Everything seems to be going really smoothly and I think it was about damn time!!!
I'm having a lot of fun lately, I feel rested, even tho insomnia has kicked in once more... I feel healthy, I feel good... I guess these last 9 months of working on myself have paid off... When I say working on myself I mean everything from diet, exercise, therapy, self awareness... It's been tough, I'm not used to think about myself... Talk about an ironic only child, huh?
Even my dog has been behaving better, my mom bought her a bed and she's using it! It's amazing... She's never been willing to sleep anywhere else but next to me...
DrJekyll left a while ago, she stayed over along with Logan, my guitar player... We had fun, but felt like crap early today, hehe...
I have no idea when we're gonna start band practice again, holidays have been extended for a few days apparently...
I have to get my ass into gear to finish off some work, but for now, I'm too tired to begin... So I'll do it tomorrow, along with cleaning the house...
I love you all, and I know 2009 is MY year, I hope you all embrace that thought as well, it helps...
Well damn. I better punch some holes in the box! Like I'd send his ass in a wooden crate... pfft!
thankyou xxx