New post because I'm on my way to bed, this is going to be short...
- I'm in the middle of moving but still no place to go because the apartment I was supposed to rent isn't free yet.
Sucks. I hate express moves!
- Life's good all in all.
- Puppy is still being a pain in the ass, but funny as hell.
-... Read More
Ok, since I've been pressured by Miss velvet_petal to update my blog, I shall do it...
Update your blog, they said. It'll be fun, they said...
There's nothing really interesting in my life at the moment. I'm still getting over the non-breakup stuff and have had a couple of relapses but they're getting further apart, so I guess that's good, right?
Yes, yes it is,... Read More
Oh dear, haven't updated this in ages, I apologize!
Here we go dear reader, as usual, this shall be almost pain-free!
Well, not much to tell really. Got out of a really nasty funk that lasted almost a month, but it sucked anyway. I've managed to beat the funk to the curb and feel happy. Not at my happiest though, but happy none the less.... Read More
Hello again dear reader! Glad to see you're not being put off by another blog...
Well, nothing's really new. I'm still working, trying to save up for my Masters which I've decided will be either in USC or UCLA. It all depends on scholarships and stuff like that. If I'm lucky I'll be there in January! Yay!
Hello there dear reader! So one more year, huh? Well, let's get on with it then!
So, 2012 came and I am now 30. I feel happy about it, even if I'm being teased constantly for being the eldest in my group of friends (by months, but still). I also have a renewed outlook on life for some reason, every beginning of year I get... Read More
A little biographical post from what happened today, just to update:
I've never been to a buddhist monastery. I have never "seen the light". I however, have had a moment of illumination in a reclining chair at my skin care appointment. More so humbling than illuminating though, mostly because it was scary as hell.
I hadn't been there for a facial in over a year,... Read More
Well, in short I just came back from my hometown after playing with the band one last gig. We never said our goodbyes. So we thought it was a good idea. I'm dealing with a loss right now, if you'll excuse me I have to go drown my pain in ice cream. BRB.
P.s. I'm being silly, by the way, I am sad but not... Read More
The business isn't going all that well and a client even dissapeared on us causing some financial troubles. All is good though, we could be bankrupt, but we're trying to figure it out without me going into a panic attack. In the meantime we both took half time jobs, I'm doing what I like best at the local... Read More