So i havent been on here lately, ive been in and out of the hospital. i just found out i have crohns disease. Not very many people know what it is, so ill tell you. Basically, my white blood cells think food is the enemy. And it causes inflammation in my colon. It isnt cureable, which sucks cuz i have to take pills for a long time. Hopefully the pills will make the symptoms go down a bit. So eating is not the same for me anymore. I cant really have dairy , and i love cheese, so im bummed. no more cheesecake, no more mac and cheese, no more cheese on my pizza! hah kind of a bummer. SO anyways im kind of interested to hear if anyone knows anyone that has it, and how they are doing.
But, im not going to get myself down about it. I still want to do more sets, im looking forward to doing my next one, because ive got a really great idea!!!
But, im not going to get myself down about it. I still want to do more sets, im looking forward to doing my next one, because ive got a really great idea!!!
Sometimes the artificial cheese (like tofu cheese) isn't so bad. Worth trying once or twice if the real stuff makes you sick. Hope you are well soon!
Hang in there. Crohns isn't curable... at least not yet, but it is treatable. You will do well.