hellllooo peoples
how is everyone today?! well i do hope, i am rather ill think i am coming down with tonsilitis :'( which is shittttttttttttt.... but im sure i'll live!!
So i got a new piercing last thursday, i finally got my christina pierced WOooooo haha
i will get a picture soon enough to show you guys
So ive had a crazy bloody week or 2 weeks should i say, i mean me and my ex have fallen out ridiculous amounts of times and things keep going wrong haha. but because of this i have grown very close to someone, Tomm, he is a dubstep dj from my local alternative night club
and he is an extremely good kisser hahahaha, last night he was going back to university in oxford he said goodbye (on msn) and told me he had to rush as his dad was bugging him to leave, so i bit my lip and said goodbye and was like im going to miss you
but then 10 minutes later theres a knock at my door!! Tomm had turned up without telling me he was coming round and my face was a picture!! I could not believe it, all the times i have sat and thought oh how i would love for someone to do that and no1 ever has. but this means something. this means that he is a special person and i am defo not letting this one get away!! hahahaha
Okay so i found this short film on youtube and its incredible, it makes you see things in a different light. First time i watched it I cried, I cried alot!! But I'd like your opinions please
Take the time to watch this and Let me know how it makes you feel :
Tomm and I
how is everyone today?! well i do hope, i am rather ill think i am coming down with tonsilitis :'( which is shittttttttttttt.... but im sure i'll live!!
So i got a new piercing last thursday, i finally got my christina pierced WOooooo haha

So ive had a crazy bloody week or 2 weeks should i say, i mean me and my ex have fallen out ridiculous amounts of times and things keep going wrong haha. but because of this i have grown very close to someone, Tomm, he is a dubstep dj from my local alternative night club

Okay so i found this short film on youtube and its incredible, it makes you see things in a different light. First time i watched it I cried, I cried alot!! But I'd like your opinions please

Take the time to watch this and Let me know how it makes you feel :
Tomm and I

oh and i have a new msn address if anyone would like to talk to me then ask for it xxx
sounds all good with the guy, but shame he's gonna be a bit away like!
aww thats so sweet. hope everything good with you two, he sounds like a good one.