So its safe to say I am really ill :( I have spent since Friday in bed, in a dark room because light hurts my eyes and my headache is so bad I cant even look at anything! I was feeling a little better so I decided to come in to work and figured that if I started feeling really bad again, I could go...
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Bored at work selfie haha!!
Time for me to get some beauty sleep! Thought I'd take a picture of myself all tucked into bed with pjs on and make up off! :)
Night night guys!!
Since I was a young child I have always spent a lot of my spare time reading books, I adore reading. I always manage to get lost in a world of imagination, picturing it all exactly how I see it from the words and getting attached to the characters and feeling what they feel. I have always been a reader of the classics e.g Pride...
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I'm in a very chirpy mood today! I'm sat at work in my office and I have not done any work since I got here an hour and a half ago! Just sat listening to music, making it look like I am working when in fact I am definitely not! ha ha :D
How was everyone's Christmas and New Year?
Feel free to add me...
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So I have had a huge amount of things change in my life this year and I cant decide whether I want more change or whether I have had enough of change! I mean, I got a job in March which I work pretty much full time at, I moved house in May, Millie moved school and I pretty much changed my whole view on...
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I may be a little behind Im not too sure when this new layout was put into action but I really like it!! What are peoples thoughts on it?!
Its very feminine thats for sure!!
How is everyone? Hope you're all okay!!
Much Loves!
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So Ive had a super fun but super busy few weeks since the middle of July! Went and spent a week with my mum in York which was absolutely lovely! Went to Leeds shopping, a waterpark, Scarborough beach and lots more! It was so nice to spend some time with Mum, I dont get to see her very often at...
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