So today one of my mum's friends came in for a massage today and when we got started she told me how she doesn't get a massage often as she's ashamed of her body. This made me so sad. In a business where I'm there to make the client feel good, so many don't take the time out for themselves as they are too ashamed of their bodies. When massaging I barely even notice the size and shapes of people's body's, I've massaged bodies of all different ages and sizes. I'm far too focused on my movements and applying the correct amount of pressure for the clients liking. Love your bodies people!
We're so concerned with covering up or changing our imperfections that more and more often we're missing the point that everybody is beautiful because we're imperfect and different. I've come to the realization that I feel self conscious during massages too but am able to work through it after the first few minutes. Massages are awesome!
I truly understand but massages are so relaxing and should be part of everyone's good health program.