I have been making plans left and right to hang out with people who were really important to me from before my Santa Barbara days. I must say, hanging out with these people- or even just talking to them again- has made me truly happy. The bonds I've been working on are just getting stronger and stronger, and honestly, I love it!
So the end of this month, and all of next month is going to be pretty exciting for me. I've been wanting to make it a point to go to more concerts, and here's what I have scheduled so far:
~Juke Kartel will be playing at The Viper Room on Sept. 28th and 29th. My friends Val and Sarah will be joining me in drooling over the gorgeous man who fronts the band

~Yeah Yeah Yeahs will be playing that the Hollywood Palladium on October 1st and 2nd. My ex-boyfriend Jason has agreed to be my bitch for the night
~Dresden Dolls will be playing at the Orpheum Theatre on Oct. 12th. My gay male lover Dylan will be my date for that night.
Other events that are still up in the air:
*Party Monster in LA
*Headsick Pinups Halloween Party (fun night of nudity and gore)
*Otep at the Whisky on Oct. 31st.
In other news, why is it that Jesus freaks feel the need to bother me all the time. I've had past experiences where these deeply religious people just started shouting at me about how I need to accept Jesus into my life and some shit. But today was ridiculous! I was driving my grandmother to the post office. The day was nice, so I was driving with the window rolled down. While I'm stopped at a light, a woman in the car next to me says, "excuse me?" I turn because I figured it was probably someone who was lost and needed directions. No, she just started ranting about how Jesus loves everyone, and that i need to accept him soon because hell is coming soon and some other psycho bullshit. She continues talking for what seems to be the longest red light I've ever experieneced. Anyway, the light finally turned green and I sped off. My grandmother turned to me and asked what the lady was talking about. I told her that it just some Jesus propaganda. My grandmother looked serious, and then came out with, "wow, she must not have any friends." I love my grandmother.
In regards to my set, my little icons haven't lit up yet. I'm still really excited because apparently SG loved the samples they saw. So now, I'm just waiting.
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. Cheers!