So I have new hair... again. I was finally able to get a hold of a camera (ugh, I feel so naked without one of my own

... soon though- very soon) so that I could take pictures of the new do...
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Actually I had to take some recent pictures to send to
Sawa so that she could see what she's got to work with... but it's new pictures nontheless (yeah, I took a bunch of other pictures to take advatange of the fact that I actually had access to a camera)
These were taken about two hours ago:

I'm still not sure whether or not I like this picture. I don't like that I had to use the mirror to get the shot (and that you could see the camera). This is me trying to look decent while functioning off of three hours of sleep over the past three days (actually it will be three days in a couple of hours... long story).

The blue kind of bled onto the blonde, but after having been working on my hair for about eight hours (it's tough to get that blonde from black hair), I gave up
Also, I've painted a few dolls since I've been in LA. I was excited to finally be able to get a picture of them. I'll spoilerize the pictures because they're kinda creepy (I <3 zombies).
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
This is Angel. HIs skin is really raw looking, but unfortunately you can't really see the detail with this camera. I'll probably take some more photos of him when I finally get my new camera (this new camera will be soooo much better)

This is Reina Esperanza. She the last doll I painted, but I'm thinking of re-doing her. Her body looks badly burned, but her face, well, I don't think it matches. So I've still got to figure her out.

This is Salem. She was actually the first zombie doll I painted.

Here are the three of them with my messy room in the background.
I think I'm out of updates for now. I hope you're all having fantastic dreams right now. Nightie-night