Update time:
My eyes have been bugging me a lot lately so I thought I'd go get them checked out. They ran some tests. Blah, blah, blah. They put some drops in my eyes, which made my eyes look like this:
(havng dilated pupils was no fun. This was four hours after the tests were done)
It also turns out that I'm a little far sighted and could use some glasses when my eyes are having trouble focusing.
I hung out with some of my favorite lesbians. Some christian guy questioned our motives. Our talk about sex made him leave. I like lesbians.
(Kris and Ang)
My eyes have been bugging me a lot lately so I thought I'd go get them checked out. They ran some tests. Blah, blah, blah. They put some drops in my eyes, which made my eyes look like this:

(havng dilated pupils was no fun. This was four hours after the tests were done)
It also turns out that I'm a little far sighted and could use some glasses when my eyes are having trouble focusing.

I hung out with some of my favorite lesbians. Some christian guy questioned our motives. Our talk about sex made him leave. I like lesbians.

(Kris and Ang)
thank you for commenting on my set