Hi all :waves: Thanks for the lovely complements on my last pics
Things are going pretty well for me and I'm really enjoying life right now but there is one thing going wrong my poor baby SoPhast is so depressed
. Its really worring me he's nto really the depressive type at all. He usually the one cheering me up
. I just want to make him happy and I'm doing such a crappy job at it so far *sigh*. I mean we even found out that the ex key bordist fro the greatful dead is comming to play at the festival in our town next month and he didnt seem to care much....now if you know my husband that would shock you to death. He's a huge dead head I mean he has about 100 dead cd's and has been to countless concerts. I'm really worried about him. How can I be so happy and him be so sad its not fair.
I did find a pretty cool job for him to applyfor today being a dorm master at an arts acadamy/bording school near here. i think its something he'd really enjoy so send some good luck vibes our way
Well im off to go paint some morre kisses

Things are going pretty well for me and I'm really enjoying life right now but there is one thing going wrong my poor baby SoPhast is so depressed

I did find a pretty cool job for him to applyfor today being a dorm master at an arts acadamy/bording school near here. i think its something he'd really enjoy so send some good luck vibes our way

Well im off to go paint some morre kisses