Good morning
its damn early for me ^.^ but i gotta be up to go to work kind of. I'm volonteiring at the national Park heloing out with there water quality programe. I spent a summer doing it years ago and now the main guy is leaving and training in a replacement so Im comming in to help out. Its a pretty fun job and interesting too
. And it gives me something else to do besides just paint.
Oh I forgot to say I saw War of the Worlds.....scariest movie EVER! I absolutly loved it! Dont go into it compairing it to the classic just go in to it looking to watch a good movie
. I'm actually pretty glad it was so far off from the classic cause i love the original and you couldnt possibly remake that. But my god is the new one good. I highly recomend it
Well better get going lots to do

Oh I forgot to say I saw War of the Worlds.....scariest movie EVER! I absolutly loved it! Dont go into it compairing it to the classic just go in to it looking to watch a good movie

Well better get going lots to do

they tell me it beautiful.