Ok you want to see some scary ass shit
Check out this link Zombie Dogs I know you can't belave everything you read but man
op I found it again in the pitsburge news Zombie dogs again
and again
maybe it is true...thats just i dont know scary
Welp packing my stuff again lol deja-vu. Its much easyer this time though I didnt finishes unpacking all the boxes lol
Well There is a formal investigation opened on SoPhast's ex-boss by both the bar accossiation and the aterney general. I think the women under estimated SoPhast that or shes just really dumb. mwa ha ha ha ha
We';re leaving here july 3rd the uhals all arranged. We got a 14 foot truck and a car trailer for the honda. Its going to be scary driving that acrossed contry and itll probably take us an extra day.
We're going to be staying at my folks house in Empire michigan while SoPhast looks for anouther job probably in michigan so if any of you michiganders hear of anything good deff let us know!!
Ok and sence my post have been so damn gloomy lately heres somethign possitive that came out of this mess I forgot to mention............ Ladies and Gentalmen let me present:
Sigmund the wonder dog
He's a balck and tan (breed) chihauhau. Isnt he just the cutest EVER!!! squeeeee
K well gotta go get ready to move

Check out this link Zombie Dogs I know you can't belave everything you read but man

op I found it again in the pitsburge news Zombie dogs again
and again
maybe it is true...thats just i dont know scary
Welp packing my stuff again lol deja-vu. Its much easyer this time though I didnt finishes unpacking all the boxes lol
Well There is a formal investigation opened on SoPhast's ex-boss by both the bar accossiation and the aterney general. I think the women under estimated SoPhast that or shes just really dumb. mwa ha ha ha ha
We';re leaving here july 3rd the uhals all arranged. We got a 14 foot truck and a car trailer for the honda. Its going to be scary driving that acrossed contry and itll probably take us an extra day.
We're going to be staying at my folks house in Empire michigan while SoPhast looks for anouther job probably in michigan so if any of you michiganders hear of anything good deff let us know!!
Ok and sence my post have been so damn gloomy lately heres somethign possitive that came out of this mess I forgot to mention............ Ladies and Gentalmen let me present:

Sigmund the wonder dog

K well gotta go get ready to move

That is a tough blow. I'm sorry SLC didn't treat you the way you deserve and expected. Best of luck for sure!