We went to the pride parade sunday that ROCKED! lol we were actually woken up by one of the floats going by our place on it way to the parade. I looked out my window and there are a bunch of guys in there undies dancing to techno out side my apparment lol I love living here sometimes
Nope much else to report. Oh I'm having some weird problem with my hand...back when i was 13 i had surgery on my right pinky cause i had cut the tendon. Now my pinky and 1/2 the ring finger next to it along with the 1/4 of my hand is a tinggly numb
and its been that way for like 3 days straight now
very weird. I think I mite go to an urgent care center or something. I hope its not permanate as its really annoying.
Oh hey chack out what somene on a differnt site made me
i just love it
damn its too big u can see it all in my art folder
well im off to go be bored yay

Nope much else to report. Oh I'm having some weird problem with my hand...back when i was 13 i had surgery on my right pinky cause i had cut the tendon. Now my pinky and 1/2 the ring finger next to it along with the 1/4 of my hand is a tinggly numb

Oh hey chack out what somene on a differnt site made me

damn its too big u can see it all in my art folder

well im off to go be bored yay

no i live allllll thhheeee wwaaaayyyyy over in Sandy. Once we move out of here we're going to move to slc hopefully. I'd come see you but all i have to drive is my dad-in-laws lexus and im WAAAYYYY to nervousto drive that car lol.
sweet that would be awesome. just lemme know when!